HUGE Wolf Howling at the Moon Mosaic - In progress!! Original Artwork!

Breaking pottery! You can get an idea of how massive this table is!

My wonderful shamanic sister, Roxy, had this huge piece of plywood she wanted to make a garden table out of. She asked me to come up with some ideas to mosaic on it. She had mentioned a wolf possibly being in the image since it's one of her spirit guides. I woke up with this image in my head one morning and sketched it out that same morning. She was thrilled with it! So the planning began!

A few days later we went to Goodwill for various colors of pottery pieces - knowing that we'd have to break them all into bits and pieces. A few days after that, I started sketching out the idea on the table. Once I was happy with the proportions of it all, we laid down some white paint because that was going to make it easier for me to draw detail in and actually see it clearly. With the white paint on it, I was able to start sketching more detail on the moon. Next, we were able to test out our application method. And our first tiles were laid! Success!

Drawing detail on the moon

Our first tiles were laid!!

This looks like it'll be quite an on-going project, but I'm excited about it. I've wanted to do a mosaic since I was a kid. I've had the same general drawing style since I was a kid and this project allows me to merge that style with the 3D. I'm also stoked because the design is spiritual in nature incorporating a spirit animal, the magick of the moon, the mountains and Orion - and I'm literally doing this project out in nature, amongst the trees! I cannot wait to see where it goes!

My name is Melina. I'm an Intuitive Healer who's been on her own profoundly challenging and intensive healing journey the last 2 1/2 years. Prior to this time, I was already very focused on holistic nutrition and natural healing modalities. But things shifted drastically after my communion with Mother Ayahuasca in the summer of 2015. I've since learned invaluable lessons about myself, as well as the nature of the reality on Spaceship Earth. Though what I went through was total and complete hell for quite a while, I knew I was going through it not only to heal my (and my family's) wounds, but also to eventually help support others in their healing process. Through working with my Shamanic Healer, a Somatic Experiencing Therapist, my Intuitive Health Practitioner, and many other healers, I have compiled quite the tool chest. My most recent discovery was the Medical Medium. Much of the diet related suggestions I give come directly from him - as he has helped restore my physical health. Other than authoring Steemit articles, I'm an artist, an advocate for personal sovereignty, and wife of the amazing Chuck Williams (Dash Digital Cash UI/UX Tech Lead). As I continue to heal from chronic illness, I'm working more and more at being an Intuitive Self-Development Adviser (a label I hope is descriptive and clear about the gifts I offer in supporting others). Blessings on your healing journey. <3

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