2قصتي مع الكلب الجزء


في الحقيقة لم اعر الامر اهتمام , استغربت لكن لم اكن مصدقا لما كتب في الرسالة، اعتبرتها مجرد نكتة، وفي طريقي الى العمل وجدت رجلا متشرد يقول "لا تفعل لا تفعل" كأي شخص ظننته مجنونا، لكن كان خائف من شيء وينظر الى الارض. اقتربت منه فقال لي "انه كلب سوف يأكلك" فقلت "لا يا عمي لا يوجد اي كلب هنا" عندها سالته عن عن الكلب فقال لي انه لا يملك اذن ولا عين، فقلت "وأين وجدته" فاشار باصبعه وقال "هناك!" لقد صدمت، انه المكان الذي وجدت فيه الكلب، فقلت له و ماذا حصل فقال لقد اخذته معي الى المنزل واطعمته وكنت سوف اربيه كلبا لي لكنه في اليوم التالي اختفا، فقلت له و إن يكن؟! فقال اختفى من حياتي لكنه سكن عقلي واحلامي فأنا اراه كل ليلة !!ياكلني

In fact, I was not interested. I was surprised, but I didn't believe what was written in the letter. I considered it a joke.

On my way to work, I found a vagabond man who said, "Don't don't," like anyone i thought he was mad, but he was very afraid of something and he was looking at the ground. I said, "No, uncle, there is no dog here." Then I asked him about the dog and he told me he had no ear or eye. "I said," Where did you find him, "he point with his finger and said," There! " I was shocked, it was the place where i found the dog!!, so I said to him what happened, he said, I took him with me to the house and fed him and I was going to raise him, but the next day he disappeared, so I said and what if ?! He said, "He has disappeared from my life, but he showed in my mind and in my dreams. I see him every night eating me!!."

To be continue!


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