The Secret For A Sure Wonderful Day!

Hi there,
Do you wanna be sure about your day that will be great, with a lot of potential and wonderful?!
Try it, and you will never repent:

When you wake up, straight as you get up. You do not touch your smartphone at all.
You go to wash your face and brush your teeth. Then you go for a glass of clean water before anything you put in your mouth.
Then you take to eat something small, and if you feel like then to prepare, drink coffee or juice.

After these things, you get on sports clothes or correct clothes, taking a headset and the device from where you hear your music. (*If this is the smartphone, then before you went to sleep it must be in the flight mode and that means that even at this moment you are taking it. He's in flight mode),
You put headphones on and go outside for walking, whether it's on the beach, or in the park, or in the wild.
Less recommend on the street, but it is not so terrible then, but I recommend if you are already on the street then go out at 5: oo am in the morning.


Put in your earphones what you like to hear. But to make a new move, you're welcome to try to hear a sound book like this book or any book that makes sense, or you'll put soundtracks. Yes soundtracks.
For those who do not know soundtracks are a melody without a singer.
Tunes composed for films or series.
Tunes that do not need a singer to create another world for you. Try to take soundtracks from movies or series that you really love and will start pouring them from your ears to your whole body.
At this time you walk at least half an hour. You have no idea how much it cleans, releases and does wonders before the start of the day, and the craziest, it helps you automatically with the long time you keep it, what you want, what you feel and what you like. When you get up in the morning you have everything in your head so clean, you do not have the strength to think. You just wake up and get up. Do not give yourself how you got up to turn on your smartphone and watch messages, turn on the TV and watch news, or open the newspaper and read the same news from there.
As soon as you do these things automatically, the same factors take you the peace and comfort that your body and mind need in the morning to acclimatize, and you straighten them out with bad, annoying, and irritating things that get you dirty all day and when you suddenly get annoyed and discouraged.

When you get up in the morning, give yourself an hour. An hour when you do not let anyone other than yourself manage your day. It's a magical effect that affects you positively and strongly throughout the day. As I said I recommend walking, but also recommend to those who do not find themselves on some days going out for walking, so also take a cup of coffee with a good book and sit in the living room and read.
Reading in the morning is the easiest and cleanest reading in the world, because nothing distracts you and every word you read, it comes straight to your brain. That's why I recommend a book that you like and especially books that bring value.
Try it at least a month, a day, a day and believe me, things will begin to appear in you that you did not believe you gave people and others to prevent you from getting them out. Just as you plant seeds in the ground and instead let it sow, you let people and people step on it, pour bad substances on it, and just do not let it sow.
Try it, do not negate it. It's so good. It will wake you up and change the days according to them to much better days that will eventually reveal the creative tools in you. You will find out about what you are best at and how you are going to create it.


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