The morgenseiten of Katharsisdrill 27 - Midsummer of a crap artist

I have made quite a few artworks these last days, also quite good artworks come to think of it - I have also been working on my comic, and I have been doing a lot of things that needs to be done on a daily basis... quarrelling with my daughters over the ususal stuff - math, reading books, cleaning the kitchen, bathing - too long baths, too few, respectively. I have also been to a concert with my youngest - the best music experience in a long time, especially if you include the many hours we have had of practise together, her on flute, me on the piano. She has been playing for six month and is doing good. Somehow playing with her has given me back the enthusiasm for playing myself. Piano and flute. I have finally reach the third octave D on my Shakuhachi flute and am hoping that I will figure out how to go all the way to the top D.

From Shakuhachi Resources

It sounds like shit, but I have a tolerant family (Maybe I should find a teacher in the autumn). My wife, who is the only person in the family who does not play an instrument, always admired the art of music so much that she set an example of tolerance to us all. The flute is not really a problem, it is almost always in tune. But when my eldest daughter learned to play the violin...

After a year without playing and getting into the first year of gymnasium my eldest daughter has not played much, but we have agreed that we will use the summer to play together, me and my two daughters. I will learn them to improvise, the little one is still not capable of playing a full octave so we will add some extra notes on the way... I look forward to it. It is a great joy to me.

One year ago I was lying on the sofa all day, sick as a... very sick person. I tried to use my infamous willpower to get back to life, but I really did more harm to myself every time I tried. Now I am better and have more energy and am considering doing a lot of things. Social media is unfulfilled - these words will be lost in the block chain or on a server like tears in rain already the moment the few people who read what I write have read them. But that is not the worst - it lacks a proper form. I was considering collecting all the artworks I have made the last two years and published online, not only the creative-commons finished works, but all of them. I am not sure that it is worth the effort, but it might be an interesting exercise. Might also be a good reason to make some order on my hard disk.

It is midsummer and at 12 o'clock in the night I can still see the dark blue sky to the North.

(The title is a paraphrase of Philip K. Dick's boo, Confessions of a Crap Artist)

My friend @shortcut has started to write some posts every morning - #morgenseiten he calls it - morning-pages. Here is his explanation of the project:

It goes like this: you shall each morning write from the soul, anything going through your head.

He writes a lot more, but this is the essence :) (Read his first morgenseiten post here)

I have decided to try the same. I write from the top of my head every morning or late morning if I have been sleeping late. I only correct typos and make a headline afterwards. Else everything is left as written. Expect some of it to sound like stage directions.

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