The morgenseiten of Katharsisdrill 26 - Steemit and the real world

My friend @shortcut has involved himself in helping out funding a documentary about the old KrautROCK musician, Damo Suzuki.

The improvised music by Damo Suzuki and his spaceband

You can read his post here, and see the video from the film-maker mentioning Steemit: Crowdfunding with Support of the Steemit-Community [Update] - So send him your money!

The music of Suzuki reminede me of a local Spacerock band - all concerts are completely improvised rock. Here is three and a half hours of rockspace, from a concert at Loppen, Christiania.

My friend @shortcut has started to write some posts every morning - #morgenseiten he calls it - morning-pages. Here is his explanation of the project:

It goes like this: you shall each morning write from the soul, anything going through your head.

He writes a lot more, but this is the essence :) (Read his first morgenseiten post here)

I have decided to try the same. I write from the top of my head every morning or late morning if I have been sleeping late. I only correct typos and make a headline afterwards. Else everything is left as written. Expect some of it to sound like stage directions.

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