The morgenseiten of Katharsisdrill 22 - Heat'n'ginger

9:02 - Copenhagen is already hot. 19°C, but there is some wind finally. I hope the rain and thunder they promised in the weekend will come all the way to us at the east coast. I am thinking about global warming and the end of the world - I always get gloomy when it is hot. Maybe I should reread Ballard's strange novel "The Drowned World?" That would cheer me up.

I thrive in November where it is cold as hell. It is said that people from Northern Greenland freeze when they are in Denmark, and this winter I had it confirmed. Two people that I know well, and who are always freezing (my wife and my mother) came back from the Disco Bay and from Kiruna in Northern Sweden respectively and had experienced temperatures at about -35 -40°C.

They both said that Denmark on a windy, wet day at just around 0°C is colder (and typical November weather). It is because when the water in the air freezes the heat transfers much slower between your body and the surroundings. Water is to blame!

"It is because you have the red-haired genes," a friend of mine said the other day. She know everything about the human body, as she has examined 1000 men and quite a few women. She is not a scientist - more like an eroticist. According to her red haired people are better at coping with the cold and bad at coping with heat. They are good at withstanding some kind of pains and lousy at withstanding other kind of pains. Thing is... I'm blonde with a red beard so I've never really identified myself as a ginger... until women (yes, I have heard it before) started to say I was - or at least that I had the genes.

Well... that was a weird morning post. I will call it: heat and ginger.

Here is a Celcius - Fahrenheit converter

My friend @shortcut has started to write some posts every morning - #morgenseiten he calls it - morning-pages. Here is his explanation of the project:

It goes like this: you shall each morning write from the soul, anything going through your head.

He writes a lot more, but this is the essence :) (Read his first morgenseiten post here)

I have decided to try the same. I write from the top of my head every morning or late morning if I have been sleeping late. I only correct typos and make a headline afterwards. Else everything is left as written. Expect some of it to sound like stage directions.

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