The morgenseiten of Katharsisdrill 12 - Release Your Inner Hippie

The whole family is preparing for the third confirmation this spring. Five weekends in a row we have and will have to go to family gatherings. We also had a vernissage yesterday in my wife's shop so it is quite busy these days. But while the girls are in bath I will just write a bit anyway. I have after all more or less decided to post something every day.

The morgenseiten is good because they leave you to just write something without having to adhere to some serious idea of quality. It is not that they do not have quality, more that they remove the inhibitions that are part of every artists life. Yesterday @roused posted some great magenta horses for example, and he did so referring to the hashtag #releaseyourinnerhippie - something that @shortcut had mentioned en passant. I think it is interesting how we sometimes need such small excuses to do get over the normative ideas we are carrying around. I have myself worked on that project for years and am pretty good at it, but still as soon as I am outside of my professional comfort-zone I am again questioning the quality and my right to bother people. Yesterday I put up some music I have made, both finished and unfinished pieces, and I did have to force myself to keep to my original idea of simply putting it there. I wanted to choose the best of the pieces, I almost had to go back and rework some of it etc. (I wouldn't be able I realised, as the sound setup on my Linux box is not working).

It is interesting to see and re-experience this strange set of inhibition. Thanks to #shortcut and his hashtags I am actually able to make a post anyway, so I can only encourage you all to use the hashtag #releaseyourinnerhippie and of course also #morgenseiten!

And now I need to wash and get on some nice clothes.

My friend @shortcut has started to write some posts every morning - #morgenseiten he calls it - morning-pages. Here is his explanation of the project:

It goes like this: you shall each morning write from the soul, anything going through your head.

He writes a lot more, but this is the essence :) (Read his first morgenseiten post here)

I have decided to try the same. I write from the top of my head every morning or late morning if I have been sleeping late. I only correct typos and make a headline afterwards. Else everything is left as written. Expect some of it to sound like stage directions.

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