Release Inner Hippies: My Coffee Cup [Bilingual]

Morning page.jpg

This morning the first thing that went through the head was to enjoy coffee casually. I woke up a bit late because I didn’t sleep till the morning. So what I want to write this morning is how I enjoy coffee in different way. Is there something strange? Maybe yes maybe not.

A few years ago when I was on duty in one of isolated area of South Pagai island, there was one location named Bulasat. Not far from Bulasat there is a beach that is so quiet and remote, but has a dazzling and clean white sandy beach. At the time we were there we saw 2 fishermen who were fishing in the open off shore, and a couple of farmers who was cleaning his coconut field. My friend Yanti and I decided to have a morning coffee and a hearty breakfast at the place. To get to this beach I had to drive for 1.5 hours through the bumpy road and scrubby shrubs because rarely used. We passed a village that has been abandoned by all its inhabitants.


This is the location I had my coffee morning

Actually this location was inhabited by dozens of homes. However, after the tsunami hit this region in 2010, local residents prefer relocation to other higher places.

After 5 minutes looking around to find a suitable location we decided to stop at a gentle beach spot and has close access to the main road. There was a husband and wife who were cleaning coconut trunks. We had time to discuss why this beach is very quiet. Apparently this place holds a scary history. That is about 1965-1966 this location was dedicated as a place of massacre and genocide of the people who were considered or pronounced to be involved in activities of Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). Hearing the scary version story of the place, my friend Yanti rushed back home, but I said:

Hold on, this place becomes more fantastic for where I could enjoy coffee and dive into the dark memories of genocide. I felt being more excited!.

It is not to say that I was happy for what had happened at the location. It become a praying for their soul, Indeed I felt deep condolence for the sorrow and sadness of them and their family. Because most of them were innocent. They were brought from many places of Sumatera main Island and murdered at that place. Pray for them!

About 5 minutes later, the water that I boil with Trangia (portable cooking set) had been boiling. We had prepared 2 sachets of Capuccino with granule chocolate. But it was unfortunate for us because we did not bring glasses or cups. Hadduhhh ....

I immediately took the initiative to find something suitable for glass or cup that I can use for preparing coffee. Voalaaa ... I found a coconut shell that was still with hairy outer skin attached for brewing our coffee. Perfect cup !. Yanti refused to drink from the coconut shell. But I really enjoy the coffee in coconut shell. In fact, I think of it as the most exotic and exhilarating coffee drink. Yuhhhuuuu, and these are some photos that had been captured by Yanti without my permission.


Here it is, my coconut hairy cup of coffee


Yanti had lost her appetite to taste the weird cup of coffee

I started to drink my coffee, it was amazing


I was so surprise when I realized that Yanti captured my photo


I was no longer put any attention to Yanti, and continued my ceremony

What is your morning story fellas? Well, sometimes you need to enjoy your life and do something that could create the happiness to yourselves.

My friend @shortcut has created #morgenseiten tag, the purpose of this tag is to encourage his friend to write a post from the soul in the morning. All things are crossing our mind. I just started to follow the trail and put this as my tag as well. Another one I saw from @katrarsisdrill is#releaseyourinnerhippie and this also quite interesting me and this one also came from #shortcut, he has millions of ideas. You can check the post from @roused. I suggest to follow and support them as your friend before you use those tag!

Happy coffee time of yours


## Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Pagi ini yang pertama sekali melintas isi kepala adalah menikmati kopi dengan santai. Saya terbangun agak kesiangan karena semalam baru rehat ketika sudah pagi. Jadi yang ingin saya tulis pagi ini adalah cara saya menikmati kopi. Apa ada yang aneh?. Mungkin iya mungkin saja tidak.

Dulu ketika saya menjalankan tugas di daerah pedalaman pulau Pagai Selatan, ada satu lokasi yang bernama Bulasat. Di daerah Bulasat ini terdapat pantai yang begitu sepi dan terpencil, akan tetapi memiliki pantai yang mempesona dan bersih dari sampah. Pada saat kami disana hanya ada 2 orang nelayan yang sedang memancing di laut lepas, dan seorang petani yang sedang membersihkan kebun kelapanya. Saya dan kawan saya Yanti memutuskan untuk menikmati kopi pagi dan sarapan alakadarnya di tempat itu. Untuk bisa sampai ke pantai ini saya mesti berkendara selama 1.5 jam melalui jalanan yang buruk dan bersemak belukar karena jarang sekali digunakan. Melewati desa yang telah ditinggalkan oleh semua penduduknya.

Sebenarnya lokasi ini dulu dihuni oleh puluhan rumah. Akan tetapi setelah Tsunami melanda wilayah ini pada tahun 2010, penduduk setempat lebih memilih relokasi ke tempat lain yang lebih tinggi.
Setelah berkeliling sekitar 5 menit untuk menemukan lokasi yang cocok kami memutuskan berhenti di sebuah spot pantai landai dan dekat dengan akses ke jalan utama. Di tempat itu ada sepasang suami istri yang sedang memebrsihkan kebun kelapa. Kami sempat berdiskusi kenapa pantai ini sepi sekali.

Ternyata tempat ini menyimpan sejarah yang menyeramkan. Yaitu sekitar tahun 1965-1966 lakasi ini dijadikan sebagai tempat pembantaian dan pembuangan mayat orang-orang yang dianggap terlibat dalam Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI). Mendengar cerita yang demikian menyeramkan teman saya Yanti bergegas handak pulang, tapi saya bilang: Justru tempat ini menjadi lebih asik untuk tempat saya menikmati kopi dan kenangan pahitnya. Saya merasa lebih bersemangat lagi. Saya menahan yanti untuk tidak langsung pulang dan bersabar sebentar lagi sampe selesai menikmati kopi

Selang 5 menit Air yang saya jerang dengan menggunakan Trangia (alat masak portable) telah mendidih. Kami telah menyiapkan 2 sachet Capuccino dengan coklat granule. Tapi sangat malang bagi kami ternyata kami tidak membawa gelas atau cangkir. Hadduhhh....

Saya langsung berinisiatif utuk mencari tempat yang bisa saya gunakan sebagai wadah yang cocok untuk membuat kopi. Voalaaa...saya menemukan tempurung kelapa yang masih bersabut untuk tempat saya menyeduh kopi. Perfect cup!. Yanti menolak untuk minum dari tempurung kelapa tersebut. Akan tetapi saya sangat menikmati kopi di tempurung kelapa. Bahkan itu saya anggap sebagai minum kopi paling eksotis dan mengasikkan.

Selamat menikmati kopi anda hari ini


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