Moral chaos

Gone are the days when you have to use crusades ,sword,gun, artillery or planes to ramshackle a nation.These all have become nothing more than a showpiece and just decorum and equality maintaining means .Now the most lethal weapons applied to deteriorate the nation is attacking on its
• Economy
• Moral ethics

In between these two latter is the silent killer.We might get many arguments narrating no one is that leisure to spare time to destroy anyone else or no one is that free to show it’s enmity in slow poisoning but it’s a rocking truth that still many ones subversive anarchists are here to produce unrest through under mixture agitators that move so slowly that you can’t even feel turbulence and they insert what ever they want.

Thế stimuli that instigated me to write over it is a exam paper set by a university teacher of an Islamic Republic which comprised the story of mark and juliet (incest story).
You can say that this might be to check the psychological conditions and views of students but still it is chaotic that you serve before a young blood full of prurient and sensual feelings a cue of taboo stuff.
Before writing this i as per habitual went through ground realities of this taboo and i was astonished and despaired to see it has already been injected to us…Many of accounts are shamelessly protecting and supporting this taboo vulgarity and i am damn sure 90 out of 100 will be outside the pakistan luring the mass to this sin

Now question arises what is incest infact

• Incest, which is defined as sexual relations between closely related individuals, is generally considered taboo in most societies. It is illegal in many countries and is often associated with social and psychological issues such as genetic abnormalities, family disruption, and emotional trauma.

•From a legal standpoint, incest is considered a crime in many countries, including France, where the story takes place. In France, incest is punishable by up to 10 years in prison, regardless of the age or consent of the individuals involved.

•On a moral level, opinions on incest vary widely depending on cultural and religious backgrounds. Some view it as a sin, while others see it as a personal choice that should not be criminalized.(thought that will soon lead towards destruction of the whole society)
•In the case of Julie and Mark, it can be argued that they are two consenting adults who made a decision to engage in sexual activity with each other. They took precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancy and did not harm anyone else. However, it is also important to consider the long-term consequences of their actions, such cases if discussed and debated instead of discouraging will one day insert in each distorting basic decorum of a family system.

•Ultimately, the decision to engage in incestuous behavior is a personal one, and the consequences are far-reaching. While it may be tempting to explore a taboo and forbidden desire, it is important to weigh the potential risks and consequences carefully.
Talking about history it’s origin is believed to initiated from cain and Alkimo(as per genesis) Afterwards many egyptian kings and queens have married their siblings to protect their dynasties.
It have been seen in Chinese dynasties as well with same notion of strengthening the empire.

Almost all the religions including jewism,Christ,islam,buddhism and hinduism have considered it a major sin whom you will have to suffer major consequences in this life and afterlife as well.

Conclusively this taboo sin can forlead very disastrous effects giving rise to many congenital and mutated disorders,imbalances between relationships distorting basic family decorum and structure and deteriorated and rotten society.So there is need to nip this in it’s buds.That event is enough to shackle the hair and stand against this

(Above mentioned are writer ‘s own opinions ,you may disagree)
Looking forward to see your comments.

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