Meditations of the day

Although I'm sure very few will read this, I feel it is somewhat a duty to share my opinion in hopes of building a better view of the times I live.
This will be an ongoing and hopefully evolving dialog.

The first thing I would like to talk about is Identity.

How has the pursuit of self discovery, a never ending journey for a normal human being, created such vanity, selfishness, hate, violence, ignorance, and intolerance? How has it become that by exercising the right to Freedom of Speech and having an opinion contrary to another, you're a threat or a nazi or a racist or a sexist or a fascist or a bigot or a retard of sorts? How has it become that people are calling for the removal of others Constitutional Freedoms? What makes these people feel so entitled they are calling for the removal of people's Civil Liberties and property? This shit is bananas.

The level of ignorance is staggering considering the vast availability of information.

How can you have a dialog if the person you are trying to speak doesn't agree to the established definitions of words? Why is there still a debate on whether the world is round or not? This shit is bananas.

How is it, that despite genetic proof races do not exist among humans, that race is still used against people? Are we so blinded by our own feelings that we are willing to war with each other? Color means nothing; Actions mean everything.

Have people forgot the past entirely? Have people become so wrapped up in self satisfaction that they have neglected the "mountain of corpses" it has taken to get the peace we have? Are people so ignorant to war they are willing to bring it to their everyday life? Have people forgotten the appreciation and importance of knowledge and understanding in exchange for likes and follows and subscribes? Has the Information Age come only for those who can see simple truths?

War is not what the leftist envision; The left lost war long ago.

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