Would You Strike an Unlikely Partnership for a Good Cause?


Once again I have grown aware of a potential financial opportunity.

While this is not common in its own right, what is downright 'rare' is that this path to a better personal financial situation involves striking a deal and partnership with an entity with which I'd, before now, not have spared a second thought towards entering into such a partnership.

So, why the dilemma?

Why not simply turn away from such an opportunity as I have done others in the past?

The thing is that, help me, I think that our interests, if not our motives, may for once align. It might serve as a vehicle to finally do some good in this World. Perhaps.

And, help me, I am genuinely mulling this possibility over.

I, of course, fear that, even if my deal is picked up, things will not go anywhere near as well as I envision - and that some unintended ill will come about.

Then again I am a little tired of not being a success.

So, I figure I'd bounce this dilemma off you people for feedback. _

Would you readily shake hands with an entity whom you consider dodgy?

What would it take for you to consider such?


This post is pretty much a request for your opinions, wisdom and guidance so I 'really' look forward to seeing you all down in comments. I'm sure that I'll hear some really interesting perspectives. :c)

And, of course, if you feel inclined to resteem this to your followers, I'd appreciate their feedback too! _


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