My Moose Monday Picture - Shiver me timbers, it's cold

Yeah I see you, So what you gonna do about it

014 yeah I see you.jpg
Big Picture Photo source, my camera

I started 2018 with a #moosemonday post. In reality and reflecting on 2018 especially steemit wise, I think it was a good year. I had a lot of fun met a lot of people, and in general really enjoyed the time I have spent here.

2018 was my first full year on steemit. I signed up and became a user on August 1st 2017. So since that first post of 2018 was a #moosemonday post, and as this is the last day of the year and a Monday to boot, why have my last post of the year also be a #moosemonday post.

We are fortunate to live in Alaska, where there are plenty of moose. I may not like the cold, the snow, or the ice in winter, but we can almost always see a moose wander through the yard every couple of days. There is one cow moose that always brings her calves by to show them some prime winter feeding. We have a lot of trees that they like. We also get a bull moose that wanders by checking the cow moose out when he can.

They are pretty big, and at times scary animals. Hitting a deer on a country road in northern California, or in Upstate New York is one thing, but hitting a moose is a new level of destruction. They blend in so well with their surroundings that often times you do not know they are there until they pop out of the trees and into the road right in front of you.

@steemUSA occasionally has a "Monday Photography Challenge - #steemusaphoto. I think my moose would fit the bill as being representative of America. They are a part of the country, and they are beautiful animals despite being pretty ornery and dangerous at times. Oh and did I mention they go in for trends, a few years ago there was a bull moose that took a tire swing for antler decorations, rumor has it he had the lady moose all over him when they saw him, and the other bull moose running away. Urban legend or not, I am not sure.

@photocircle I think my moose picture also is a good representative of pc-nature, I don't think any one really sees a moose as being partisan, so they are almost always politically correct. No one is going to go up to a moose and say they are not being PC. I mean it would probably bite your ear if it was a lady moose, or if it was a bull moose, well he may aim just a bit lower to find something to smash his antlers against. And the moose is standing out there in nature, just minding his own business eating a few chunks of nice bark and a few tasty branches.

#justbecause Well I use that tag a lot. I usually use it first not last, but in this case I wanted to use it last. The photocircle people can really pass by this photo, it is after all not that clear of a shot, slightly out of focus, but not by much. I have a few other moose pictures, but I liked this one, it was as if he/she turned and looked right at me to say "What ya gonna do? I'm bigger, badder, and faster than you, and I am hungry". After glancing my way the moose then turned and proceeded to take a taste test of the tree.

Last years MooseMonday - My Moose Monday Picture, inspired by @shasta

Check-in every now and then at @steemUSA, they may have a new Monday Photo or Thursday thought post.

Check @photocircle for their latest "The Best of Photocircle Contributors" who knows one day you may see me listed there.

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