[Ramengirl Magazine Vol.164] What would be the things you would take to the moon?🌚 | Ramengirl🍜


What would be the things you would take to the moon?


 Hey guys, this is @ramengirl. I recently went to the theater to watch the movie Firstman :) Firstman is based on the book First man, follows the years leading up to the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon in 1969.


 The story of Neil Armstrong is really famous we all know who he is what he did, so nothing really surprised me except directing. I actually didn't know who the director was this movie until I googled it after finished watching it. Surprisingly First Man is directed by Damien Chazelle who also directed Whiplash and La la land. I love both of movies especially La la land. I probably watched it over 20 times last two years. This movie is kind of slow which I liked the most. I'm not huge fan of block buster movie something like Marvel so if you have similar taste for movies I highly recommend to check this movie out!

 The most impressive scene to me was almost at the end of the movie when Neil landed on the moon. As soon as he stepped on the moon he unfolded his fist and there were his daughter's bracelet which he brought from the earth. It was a very calm and quiet scene but also very emotional.

 And I was wondering if Neil really brought his daughters bracelet or it's just fiction. Maybe I was hoping it was true story. Unfortunally, it was just fiction at least from the information what I researched.

The "special items" that each astronaut was allowed to carry was called a "Personal Preference Kit" in the jargon of NASA. Every item had to be approved by NASA to make sure the total weight was within limits and also it wouldn't outgas any solvents or be flammable in a pure oxygen atmosphere or pose any sort of danger to the mission. According to this thread on Neil Armstrong's Apollo personal preference kits, he never really enumerated the items - when asked to for a biography, he said he couldn't find a manifest. However, at that time he recalled

  • Some Apollo 11 medallions,
  • Gold olive branch jewelry for his wife and mother
  • A piece of wood and fabric from the Wright Flyer
  • A college fraternity pin
  • A pennant from an Argentine soccer team (? I don't know if that's ever been explained why)
  • A scout badge
  • A 20 Franc coin and necklace

     I thought that this list is really interesting. And I was thinking what would I want to bring to the moon if I can have a chance to visit there. I'd definitely going to bring ramen for sure lol. What about you guys? What would be the things you would take to the moon? Thanks for reading.

    Source: https://www.quora.com/What-special-items-did-Neil-Armstrong-bring-to-the-moon


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