Steemit Monthly Author Challenge #8-2019 - Day 4 || Trains and sun

#Monthlyauthorchallenge initiated by @steemit-mac

Today I left the mountains once more. I travel by train due to those little toddlers who never stay still.
So, around 5 o'clock in the morning, we headed towards the train station. My sister came with us, probably to make sure we leave. 😂
It was a sad moment as my kids always cry when we come back to the big concrete city. So, while my sister was comforting the little ones, I started to photograph the sunrise. It's the best way to hide tears.

This is one of the shots I took before saying good bye to my hometown.


Check out the challenge started by me and @erikah, SeasonChallenge. We would love to learn about your impressions towards the Summer (these being the theme until 2nd of September).

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