Monthly Author Challenge Day 13! One month of Crypto! They're cute, they're collectible, they're...

I thought this time, I'd talk about something completely different than cryptocurrency. I know what you're thinking:
"Wasn't she supposed to do posts about crypto?" And I am, but different.
A few days ago I spoke to you about cryptocurrencies with cuteness factor and this time, we keep the cuteness factor, but it's not a coin but a pet. A pet? Yes, a pet. Crypto Animals to be precise.



The first of its kind was CryptoKitties. This is a digital pet game built on the Ethereum blockchain that lets you buy, collect, sell and breed these little critters. And the good thing is: they don't leave hair everywhere and you don't have to clean up after them or walk them. Perfect pets!

So how does this work?

OK, you can buy a kittie you like on the cryptokittie marketplace. The price for these vary and depend on which generation this kittie is. If you have a generation 0 (the first ones), expect to pay a lot, because they're of course more rare than one of the kitties that is of the last generation.
You can already buy one for around $20,- but they can cost $200,- or more too. I've heard of one being sold for more than $100,000!
So just like with real pets: it all depends on how much you really want this kittie.

Now what?

Once you have your chosen one, you can either keep it all to yourself and hope it will be worth a lot more after time, or you can decide to breed with it. You will pay a birthing fee if you want another cat to sire.
I say it because each kittie is both male and female so if Joe's kittie breeds with Jane's kittie, it doesn't matter which one will be the mommy. But of course, mommy can't breed again until she had her litter.

A generation 0 kittie that breeds with another gen 0 kittie, will produce a Gen 1 kittie. Otherwise the numbers go up and it's performance will slow down.
But, it is possible to breed two average kitties and get a special kittie. These can be valuable.

Now also cryptopuppies


Recently, they also started with puppies and Tronix's Justin Sun thought it would be funny to start with Tronix puppies.
The way they work is pretty much the same as the kitties.

The reason I tell you all this is because my kids are very much into these critters. I bought us all one to begin with and they're already on the lookout for more.
It is meant to have fun with, but looking at the bigger picture: they can be quite lucrative too.
Especially for kids, it is the way to get accustomed in the cryptoworld without getting too serious right away.
Besides this: they can make some pocket money while they're at it.

And the best thing of it all is that you don't end up walking the dog in the rain because they're not looking after it as they promised...



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