📷 Steemit Monthly Author Challenge by @future24, March 2018 - Day 22 (Bilingual)- Día 22

 Un apagón siempre puede sorprender pero... ¡la planta de emergencia mantiene todo en orden! Con un personal de mantenimiento alerta para realizar inmediatamente la transferencia. Estas dos fotografias, durante en apagón, con mi OUKITEL y la colaboración de un compañero de trabajo, son mi participación para el Día 22 del Steemit Monthly Author.

Espero que les agrade esta publicación.


A blackout can always surprise you but ... the emergency plant keeps everything in order! With an alert maintenance staff to perform the transfer immediately. These two photographs, during the blackout, with my OUKITEL and the collaboration of a co-worker, are my participation for Day 22 of the Steemit Monthly Author.
I hope you like this publication.

Fotografía 1 / Photograph 1

Fotografía 2/Photograph 2

 A continuación les dejo  los datos para que se animen a participar en este reto.   

 Then I live the data to encourage you to participate in this challenge  

Rules of the Steemit Monthly Author Challenge:

  • Post 1 article with a photo of your life every day for one month and use the tag #monthlyauthorchallenge for this posts.
  • You don´t have to add a detailed describtion to your photo article                     and it can be a quick photo post with Steepshot for        example      too.  (But don´t forget the #monthlyauthorchallenge tag!)
  • The photo of your life don´t has to be up-to-date, but not older than 1 year, or you can also choose a photo of your childhood.
  • To make it more comfortable for everyone, you don´t have to                     nominate someone for the challenge every day in your      daily       post.          Nominating is voluntary, but to share  this     fun, I    would    suggest   to        nominate some other  Steemians     from time  to   time,  so   that you   can  do      this   funny     challenge together.
  • Your challenge ends when you reached the Monthy Author badget on steemitboard.com                     and then just make a final post that you finished  the            challenge.       Info:   The period for the Monthly  Author    Badget    is      always from  the      first of a   calendar  month    until the   last   day   of   this month.  👌

That´s it, just have fun and if you like, share this challenge too and let´s become Monthly Authors everyone - Steem On!

Here you can find my start article of this challenge with more information: ✨ Steemit Challenge Idea: The Monthly Author Badget Challenge! ✨

And if you want to learn more about the#monthlyauthorchallenge, visit my article here with the title: "Why "Steemit Monthly Author Challenge" & what value it adds to our community?"

            I don´t want to nominate a single person, because everyone  is              invited      to  join this challenge - Just have fun  guys!   If    you         haven´t joined   so    far  and you want to  achieve   the    Monthly      Author    Badget too, just    start   with   the #monthlyauthorchallenge at the first day of a new month.

Checkout the Tag #monthlyauthorchallenge!



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