REAL SHOCKING SCENE: Attacked by Crocolog in Broad Daylight! [All Steemit Exclusive]

I know this news may traumatize many of you, my dear steemians, but there I was this afternoon, peacefully cycling across a little humpback bridge, when all of a sudden I was forced to do a double take, and then...

I almost lost control of my bicycle as, to my sheer horror, the beast that shouldn’t be there was actually real, burrowing out of the turf, and about to ravage a helpless Lady Flora. Watch her totter on the riverbank while her green arms are flailing away from those lethal jaws!


Needless to say, I went straight for a headshot, pinning the monster’s mug into the photograph above, just before the unripe victim began her struggle to defend her bush against the vile attack.

Once I managed to snap the picture, the crocolog snapped at the tastiest bits of Lady Flora. I wheeled myself out of danger, going across the bridge fast enough to put the last Olympic cycling champion to shame.

Yes, I know what you’re going to say now. I can see that disapproving frown of yours.

Still, you know what? Call me a coward or cry me a river, but if I’d been a white knight and stayed there to perish between the crocolog's toothless jaws, who’d be reporting this to you now, hem? Who’d be warning your children and puppies not to venture near the bridge, or else they’ll share the fate of one poor Lady Flora? You tell me in the comments, folks, will you.


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