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She looked around: there were only monsters and two-story bunks around. Toralai went to one of them and quickly climbed the stairs. Now it became much better. The instigators, there were three of them, stood on tables shifted together and continued to rant. Next to the tables there were several monsters, probably their henchmen. The rest stood at some distance. Torah peered at the faces of the crowd. Most of them were scattered, confused, or they did not care. What, however, pleased the Toralai - there were also a lot of dissatisfied people, but they, apparently, were afraid to go out alone. Well, she will provide them with such an opportunity.

Make my way through the crowd would be a silly decision, but Torah quickly found an outlet: pushing away from the stairs, she clung to the pipes. With her legs tucked, so as not to go over someone's head, she swung and deftly moved on. She immediately attracted attention: the crowd looked at her with interest. Werewolf, having lost the audience, fell silent and glared at her angrily. Despite no one, Torah got to the goal and jumped on the table, at a distance from the "queen". Not waiting for the moment when her opponent wakes up from the shock caused by such impudence, Torah loudly asked:

-Why do you let her treat you like this?

A disgruntled whisper swept through the crowd, but this was not enough, Torah continued:

-What does she allow herself? Does she have the right to humiliate us ?!

Toralai had no special oratorical talent, only a little experience, but this time the whisper was louder and lasted longer. She began to quickly go over in her head the variants of what could still be said, but she was interrupted by an angry growl behind her back. Sharply squatting, she felt something hit her back, and then flies forward, through her. werewolf-girl missed and did not fall gracefully off the table, but quickly jumped to her feet, and, hissing: "garbage cat", waved her paws to her henchmen.

"I will remembered about you", few words flew to the Torah ears after which the campaign began to roughly push outraged monsters and headed away from the center.

When they have moved a sufficient distance, all attention has shifted to the Torah. Monsters obviously wanted to hear something else.

"She has no right to treat us like that." It is necessary to somehow solve this. Do you like such attacks in your direction?

After giving all food for thought, Torah descended from the table and headed for the door. It seems that dinner time has almost come, but for today the adventure was enough

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