Silk Heart (Part 2)

The girl shuddered in fright and almost dropped her bag. She looked at the guy standing below, and in her eyes flashed first a quick light of recognition, then bewilderment, and then distrust.

"Hello," Draculaura said after a short silence, ignoring the bouquet offered to her, and looked back. "I do not mind talking to you for a while, but Claude is coming." I do not think he will be delighted that I'm here alone with you.

"Draculaura," Valentine put one hand on his heart. "I know that he will not come soon, do not deceive me." I learned everything so that you had the time to listen to me, "said Valentine, and taking the girl's pale hand lightly, pulled her into the shadow of the marble staircase.

"You again started..." Draculaura said, disappointed and shook her head. Silver earrings-pins in her ears gently fluttered. "Forget it, Valentine. After what happened, our feelings with Claude only got stronger. Understand, I found something that suits me. I really believe that you are not the same now, I believe at that time you made a mistake, but let's not start it again...

Girl again, with a slight movement of her hand, turned away the flowers. "I do not need anything from you", this roses now seemed to Valentine the most terrible flowers in the world. Valentine froze a step away from her, holding the bouquet tightly in his hand. Could he really been denied? Was he, with his dodgy mind, immense wealth and beautiful appearance, suddenly turned down? The first thin trickle of blood flowed slowly from the sharp spikes over his pale wrist.

You ... you do not love me?" Asked Valentine, shocked.

-Listen, said Draculaura, and gracefully touched her straight, shiny hair in a pinkish-black tail.
-Let's remain friends.

It seemed to Valentine that his thunder had struck him. He felt like a hero of a stupid love melodrama. It's only he himself who is clever, mysterious and handsome, and does not go to any comparison with pale mediocre actors. God, does this really happen? .. Everything goes completely differently than he planned.

It is necessary to do something urgently.

Valentine approached Draculare and pressed her against the wall under the stairs. Now she was standing so close that he could smell her cherry lip gloss, the silky black and pink hair, the chilling cold emanating from the same pale vampiric skin as his.

"But I do not want us to remain friends." He squeezed her even more against the wall. "Draculaura, I've missed you so much ..."

He leaned over to kiss the girl, but she recoiled in fright, and then Valentine grabbed her tightly by the thin wrists, covered with a thin pink silk. Draculaura looked at him in horror.

"Let it go," she whispered and tried to pull away. However, Valentin did not even feel anything. He was much taller and much stronger than her, and Draculaura realized with horror that she could not just escape. "I offered you the biggest I can give." Forgive me please. But I only love Claude.

Valentine wanted to yell at his helplessness. It seemed that at that moment his heart has been ready for explode, and a bright blush of excitement appeared on the pale cheeks.

Well, it does not work out that way? He is ready to take extreme measures.

"No," he whispered into the girl's face. "I'll show you that you still love me." That you always loved me, not this huge dog.
Draculaura did not have time to reply, because the next second Valentin began passionately, persistently, eagerly to kiss her lips, painfully squeezing the girl's wrists. A thousand small electric charges swept through his body, bringing with them incomparable bliss. For a long time without receiving an answer, Valentin began to persistently penetrate into her mouth, and soon his tongue was tickling the girl's gums.

Draculaura recoiled slightly, and her lips parted.

"Valentine," she said with genuine pity in her voice. "Forgive me, but I do not feel anything at all." I'm sorry.

Valentine pulled away, peered into her frightened pale face, the gray eyes framed by eyelashes-spider-paws, like the girls in Japanese cartoons, and it seemed to him that there was nobody more beautiful in the world. She seemed to him the most beautiful doll in the world, who simply must appear on his shelf.

"Draculaura, my dear, only a vampire can make a vampire happy," he purred, and kissed her again in a magnificent cheek. "And I'll prove it to you." I will do so that we will be associated with you forever.

He, still holding her tightly and pressing him to him, began to kiss Draculaur in a pale neck with a transparent skin beneath which was a network of bluish veins. Draculaura gasped in surprise. Leaving the wet paths on the girl's skin, Valentin began to quickly unbutton his silk white blouse on himself and on it.

Draculaura sobbed and closed her eyes. A hot tear fell on Valentine's cheek and rolled down.
[to be continued...]


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