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Toralai felt that she was moves down. Afraid that ship began to sink, Torah began to rush about her box, but then realized that descent was too smooth. Her crate was simply unloaded from the ship

Her container was opened, and Toralay reflexively squinted, letting her eyes get used to the incredibly bright sun. A few moments passed, anda shadow was hung over her, easing the task. Torah looked up and saw a guard stretching out her hand to her. She refused help, but policeman simply shrugged his shoulders. It was clear that he showed no disgust towards her, although Toralay was nearly sure that he felt something like that. She became somewhat ... calmer. At least from this side does not need to wait for the threat. When Toralay stood on the concrete pier, the guard quickly checked her handcuffs, while the other two pushed her box aside, and, easily pushing her into the back, led to a small pile of monsters at the gate. Torah tried not to turn her head, but her eyes were running back and forth. On the left side there were two more piers, where the monsters were unloaded from a huge ship. To the right was a rocky beach. Nothing special. And then Toralay looked up. She has already been identified in a group of monsters. Before her towered a huge metal walls a dozen meters tall. Torah swallowed saliva involuntarily. No, they were not terrible, but they made a strong impression: werewolf cat felt like an ant next to them, and for a second the thought flashed that it was still a prison.

Something snapped loudly and the gate began to opened quickly. When they were opened enough to let in a crowd of people, they were built in a chain one by one and led inside. Further Toralay remembered badly. There were some tests, questions, many people in white bathrobes and disinfection procedure. She remembered only a couple of moments: how to remove her handcuffs; how she fought off a woman with scissors, and how they agreed that she would simply pick her hair up to her shoulders. And the welcome speech ... Torah did not remember all that this woman said, but it was clear that she was here the main boss. The whole point of her monologue was only one: "The better you behave, the sooner you leave this place." In addition, psychologists will have to deal with them and if they see that someone has really reformed, then they will write it down in the "recommended" ones. Once a month representatives of cooperating schools will come to the island, who will be able to take reformed teenagers to themselves for further training, like all trustworthy humans and monsters.

If everything is really so, then the Toralai hoped to get out as soon as possible. If there are no serious skirmishes, she will be good to behave. Her crime was not particularly serious - just petty theft. The only thing is that she did not regret what she had done, although she understood that perhaps it was not quite right. In any case, she had no choice at that moment, so it all happened as it happened.

After all the manipulations, she was given new clothes: orange pants and a sweatshirt, a gray T-shirt and a pair of good sneakers. Not exactly prison clothes, but not civilian clothes. However. Toralay were not very worried about this, she gladly exchanged her old and ragged rags to local uniform.

Finally they were taken to the barracks. Torah already dreamed of stretching out on bed. However, she realized that something was wrong, immediately, as the door was closed behind her. The room was large, a man of sixty, if not more, quite spacious, but with a low ceiling. It was strange that all the monsters crowded in the middle and looked one way. From there came scraps of phrases. Completely Torah did not hear them because total noise, but she heard the phrase well "Who will not listen to us - he will greatly regret it" or "Our gang here runs it all", it was enough. She took off her jacket and tied it around her waist, just in case, then went to the crowd. The one who owned this voice definitely wanted to pull everyone under her. Thoralai did not appreciate this approach. Someone who clearly preferred forces, and not reason, besides, so self-confident ... Torah did not tolerate this type of monsters. In addition, It will not be enough, even if everyone recognizes its superiority. Torah was well versed in the characters. Such as this upstart, will require daily worship and, perhaps, will even be required to pay tribute to them. Food, for example. This problem should be solved as soon as possible.

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