Monopoly Of State

For some reason, no private companies would ever want to offer a subscription service in which the pooled money is used to lower the cost for every subscriber, yet render costly treatment possible, even if it was really profitable, even if everyone really wanted it, even if everyone was willing to pay for it]
you are aware that the government gets its money to do things from people that go to work to get their money to do things yes

Roads aren't as worth it as people think, they are in fact a gigantic waste of money and inefficient, only propped up by a system that forces people to have them
Roads are worth it, and with all the money they wuold put towards taxes in their pocket, instead of having one authority which enables cartelisation on top of providing this ervice, they have many services to choose from, all of which are happy to provide roads, schooling, healthcare and so on, increasing competition, reducing legislative anxiety, and so on

Roads don't come about because of states, roads come about because of tech and resources and environment
the government is literally just the belief that one tiny group should get to offer x services, should get all the guns, and should get the right to tell others what they can and can't do (absurdly high incentive for corruption / misuse which cannot be actualised otherwise)
goal: not to have monopolies
solution: start with a monopoly who gets all the law, all the guns, and all the money to themselves, non-negotiably
failure was achieved immediately
i wish i could pay someone else, or shit, do it myself and see if anyone will buy my time and work to make the roads. oh wait! i can in a non-governmental system!
it costs twice as much for the same road but worse ten years later. and he keeps doing this. and if i stop paying him, he literally puts me in a box forever. and i own nothing to fight against him with.. this is the worst. t. worse yet, when he does allow me to do things like go for private healthcare, i'm still not allowed to not pay healthcare taxes. i have to double my expenses. worse YET, because of the monopoly on violence, everyone who has corrupt goals from the start flocks to parliament, and hands out huge cash favours and takes massive bribes, and does things to line their pockets, so now there's only a few private health companies rather than hundred sof them, and all of them are subsidised and extensions of the state rather than anything to do with the free market, so my limited cohice is actually almost entirely non-existent.

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