A #treetuesday #monomad entry


A Starry Dark Night Tree View

We finally had a clear beginning to the night. It was cold. I have been waiting for a chance to try and learn some night time photography, but first things first. "This is my entry for the #monomad challenge". Oh and also since for most of the world it is Tuesday and no longer Monday, a #treetuesday picture also for @old-guy-photos, because I know he likes the monomad concept also.

DSC_8763 - Copy mono mad tree tuesday.jpg

This is the Link to the monomad challenge - MONOMAD - November 25th - PLEASE READ THE CONTEST RULES BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR IMAGES.

Photo taken on 11-25-2019 at 8:14 PM Alaska time.

  • f-stop 2.8
  • exposure time 56.1 sec's
  • ISO 500
  • focal length 35mm

Thus ends the monomad photo challenge entry part

Here is the original photo that the above was cropped out of, edited and enhanced. Of course all the camera settings were the same as above. Before it got dark outside, I set my camera on the tripod by my window and tried to get a good focus on the trees. I figured they were far enough away to also have the stars somewhat in focus. The only manipulation to the below photo was the resizing of it so it could be uploaded.

DSC_8763 - Copy_01 original.jpg

As you can see in the camera settings above this was a pretty long exposure. I used my handheld clicker to get that long, and watched the smartphone clock time to try and get to one minute. I have a lot to still learn about night time photography and with the only time to really practice is in the winter it will take me quite some time. Below is the same scene only with the following settings: F-stop 1.8, exposure time 30 seconds, ISO-800 and focal length 35mm.

DSC_8749 - Copy sky 3.jpg

I need to learn about photo stacking and how to do it so I can get some of those really spectacular shots the pro's do. You just do not see much in one frame of 10 seconds, and the longer exposures seem to get a lot of the background light being picked up. Try Try and try again, and one day I may get one of those super shots, when I am in a warmer nighttime climate and can spend three or four hours outside in the dark and not just 20 minutes freezing in front of a wide open window with little pockets of light all around me.

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