Monochrome Monday - Chosen instant of Solitude

Humans are social beings.

They can't shine at their brightest without the presence of their loved ones. They can't define their identity without validating themselves through the eyes of their fellows. They can't feel complete security without listening to the soft and the vibrating voices of their significant others. They need social interactions in order to feel as a whole person, in order to love and to be loved.

It's not that they depend entirely on others, but they cannot rely on themselves only. Without the action of sharing with people, they cannot feel useful nor completely happy in life. They are social creatures and they cannot fight against their nature.


But they need solitude at times [...]

However, they may find peace in occasional moments of solitude. In order to feel accepted, some humans abandon their authenticity to mold themselves to the norms of society. They may end up loosing their core identity if they don't express themselves with assertiveness. So, for them to cope with the burden of being someone else, they might need to distance themselves from people for a certain time.


[...] to meditate in peace.

(Somewhere like in an abandonned farm.)

Listening to their internal voice and exploring their thoughts and feelings, that's what make them reconnect with their authenticity. They have nothing to do, but to open their senses and accept everything.

Chosen instants of solitude can give back to humans their authenticity. Hence they're able to reconnect with people with a more assertive and guenine personality.


Thank you for reading my post! Tomorrow, i'm going to visit O'koppo farms for a couple days. I'm going to write about permaculture and show you the place.

BYE BYE! Love ;)

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