The Failure Of The UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME Experiment In Finland!

This is funny but very predictable. UBI or Universal Basic Income as it was called was in January 2017 adopted by the Finnish Government and is now coming to an end as the project didn't work? Wait what did you say? Giving people free money will not work to make them more productive and creative?

The pie in the sky moment for the Universal Basic Income movement took a big hit as Finnish government says that the program didn't work for now. Well when will it ever work???


At World Alternative Media we have done several report on the subject and we also said that UBI will cause taxes to go up and cause inflation making the new money made to create the UBI system less worth as well.

A report from the OECD said that Finland would need to raise taxes about 30% in order to afford a broader UBI application. It would have also exceeded the whole current Finnish government budget. With the Finnish government has the world second highest expenditure to GDP which is still above 50% of all GDP.

Government expenditure to GDP.png

Giving anyone anything for free is not going to make them more goal oriented and willing to take action. I have learned this through being on the recieving end at one time and also being on the giving side.

Giving people something for free only make them more entiteled. They get lazy and will wait for more from whom gave it to them and after a while they will start to blame them for not being successful as they are not recieving enough from them. It is just basic human psycology. A person has to want to change in order for them to change. If you were lucky to give the money to someone who was driven then you might have luck with UBI, but giving it to everyone and expecting everyone to take action and change their lifes is a very flaved and virtuesignalling way of thinking!

The Finnish government initially wanted to give €800, but ended up with €560 since they could not afford the money. The money was given out to working age population with next to no results and forced the government to stop it both from lack of results and a lack of money!

The UBI system or Helicopter money as one can also call it as it is very similar to Helicopter Ben Bernanke's push to give everyone money to spend to fire up the economy. Both are the flawed consepts of not providing any value other than the diminishing value of the fiat they wanted to print to give to people for free much like the banks create money for free they never had. The banks has a blanket UBI as well and you can clearly see the malinvestments and scamming happening in the economy from this believe system.

download (6).jpg

Nothing is free and everything comes with a price. Let that be a lesson as I hope we can soon move away from all of the flawed socialist ideologies floating around as you can see as I described above you cannot teach an old dog new tricks! Its all a psycological creation people have created that are not providing anything of value to society anymore. It's just the truth. It might be an unpopulare truth, but none the less its true!

Peace, Love and Voluntaryism,


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