What is money

The first time I saw a video reviling the truth on our economic situation I didn't want to believe it, I was one of the so called "masses", a word that today makes me sick to my stomach. I always loved the paranormal and that helped me get attracted to watching (and reading) some information of uncommon content. I am also a person that always questions everything and still was in the dark. I know it may not be easy but if you think of it in basic terms, it's not a matter of believing or not but a matter of looking or not. We live our lives in such a way that hardly nobody stops, looks around, "thinks" and asks WHY? To begin uncovering all the lies I would start with "WHAT IS MONEY" and I can tell you that a huge amount of people in the world cannot answer that correctly. The best person in my opinion to answer that question is Mike Maloney. His work is simply fantastic and he was one of my eye openers, I strongly recommend watching this video for the answer.

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