Google Adsense

How to Make Money With Google AdSense step by step Guide 2016

Learn how to make money with Google AdSense step by step guide. This tutorial will help you start earning and maximize your earnings. Additionally, you'll get some tips on Google AdSense earnings, getting approved, maintaining your account, and othertop paying alternatives that exists. So now, the question begs;

What Is AdSense?

Many newbies always wonder and frequently ask this question. So what is AdSense?

It is a program that was launched by Google Inc in 2003 to help share advertising revenue with web publishers like you. Though Google AdSense is not a get-rich-quick program, it is the best way to monetize your website traffic.

Google like any other online business, makes a huge chunk of its money through advertising. Advertising revenues run into billions of dollars each year worldwide.

If you look at any Google search results, you will see searches with different dull backgrounds showing at thetop and left sides. These are the ads by advertisers on Google. Each time a person clicks on the ads, Google earns money.

Now Google also allows you to show these ads on your website pages and when someone clicks on them you earn some money from the clicks. To show these ads onyour site, Google has created a program to help you show these ads and earn from them. This program is what is known as AdSense and is free to join.

How Does AdSense Work?

Google Adsense works in a pretty straight forward way that is simple and easy to understand.

Google Inc runs another program for advertisers known as Google AdWords.

Many a times advertisers advertise online through Google. Before their pieces of advertisement are shown on any site, they have to bid for advertising space and pay for it.

For advertisers to advertise with Google, they have tosign up for Google AdWords. This is where they create, bid for ad space and pay for the ads. The higher the demand for advertising space the more expensive it gets.

After the ads have been created, Google will show some of the ads on their search results pages and some of the websites that use Google AdSense.

If for example an advertiser paid $100 for 1000 clicks, it means that each click will cost $0.1/click. If a person clicks on these ads when displayed on your site, that's what you earn. This is the AdSense revenue for Google and AdSense earnings for a publisher like you who uses Google AdSense.

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AdSense Revenue

You now understand how Google AdSense works and how the revenue isgenerated. Like we said earlier, It is program that shares revenue with publisher. So someone may ask how much does Google AdSense actually share?

Google shares its AdSense revenue on a ratio of 8:17 meaning that Google takes 32% of the revenue and gives 68% of it. This is the best ratio in the world.

From our earlier example, your actual AdSense earnings will be 68% of $0.1 . You can do the math, it means you'll get $0.068/click.

Since Google finds the advertisers for you, they charge the 32% to cater for the costs. You can also search for advertisers yourself, but experience will teach you that it's hard to find one. This is the main reason for publishers joining Ad Networks to make money with.

Google AdSense Earnings

As we said before, Google AdSense pays you when people click on the ads on your website. But the earnings are not only from clicks alone. You also get paid for conversions and impressions the ads that show on your websitegenerate.

Conversions are the clicks that successfully refer a customer to a product or service being advertised. For example, if a phone making company advertises a phone onyour site, and a person clicks on the ad you earn some money from the click. Further more, if the person goes on to buy the phone, that means a sale has been made from your website. This sale is what is known as a conversion. Online conversions may take different dimensions depending on the advertiser's definition.

Upon a conversion, the advertiser will also pay you a conversion commission. These commissions can range from $1 to even $150 dollars depending on the magnitude of the sale and campaign. Conversions pay more, and this is the reason why some people earn more dollars per click.

Apart from conversions, Google AdSense also pays you for impressions. Each time a person visitsyour site, whether he or she clicks on the ads or not, AdSense still pays you for the visitor. This is because it is assumed that particular person has seen the ad even if he or she does not click on it. How much you earn from impressions, depends on the CTR (Click Through Rate) and traffic.

For example, ifyour site receives 1000 visitors and only 100 of the visitors click on the Google ads on display, your CTR is 10%.

The earnings also keep fluctuating. What you get paid actually depends on what advertisers are willing to pay for the ads. Learn more about Google AdSense earnings here.

Earnings are also determined by the niche and keywords on a website. There are some high paying niches/topics that usually receive high competition from advertisers than others. The same as keywords. You can also see a list of the top paying keywords.

Google AdSense Earnings 'Calculator'

If only you knew how Google AdSense earnings are calculated. Some sites claim to calculate AdSense earnings for you. Some have come up with a Google AdSense earnings 'calculator' that you can use to know what to expect on your AdSense check. this is not bad for the curious lot but the reality is, the earnings 'calculator' is mostly wrong. It's only Google AdSense that knows how the earnings are arrived at. So the only thing you can do is to speculate on the earnings estimates.

How Is AdSense Earnings Calculated

So what does the actual Google AdSense earnings 'calculator' say? According to AdSense, earnings are the 60% revenue share from Google AdWords. Also depending on time, niche, bidders, keywords...of the advertising(advertisers), the final earnings will vary. And is only AdSense that is preview to this information. So how are the Google AdSense earnings calculated?

CTR : Your ad Click-through Rate is the number of ad clicks divided by the number of individual ad impressions. Assuming you are show 3 AdSense ads on each page of your website, your 1 page view is equal to 3 ad impressions.

CTR = Clicks / Ad Impressions X 100

Suppose, you get 5 clicks out of 1000 ad impressions, your CTR would be 0.5% (5 clicks /1000impressions X 100%).

CPC : Cost-Per-Click is the revenue you earn each time a visitor clicks on your ad. CPC is commonly dependent on the advertisers budget. In some competitive niches advertisers may be willing to pay more per click than others.

CPM: CPM simply means “Cost Per 1000 Impressions.”

Sometimes advertisers opt for CPM ads instead of CPC and set their price for 1000 ad impressions. And they pay each time their ads appear on any website.

Will You Pay Tax On Your Earnings?

The answer is yes and no. Depending on your location(country), you will not pay tax on your Google AdSense earnings. However, countries with such tax policies like the US, do require that you pay taxes on your AdSense earnings. Before you withdraw your AdSense earnings, you will be required by Google AdSense to fill a tax form. Note that this will depend with your residence from your AdSense profile. However Google AdSense pays the tax on its products so your earnings are not subject to further taxation by anyone. Remember not to lie about your residence since if you do so, your earnings might be lost.

How Can You Increase AdSense Earnings?

Who wants to earn less with Google AdSense? Mmm! None of us. You have to realize that the term 'increase' is not the most appropriate since the control of what you earn is out of your hand. So you can only optimize for more Google AdSense earnings. There are lots of ways to achieve this. The metrics to be applied are numerous to be discussed here.

How Do You Withdraw Your AdSense Earnings?

Finally, with all that knowledge of AdSense earnings, how can you withdraw your Google AdSense earnings? According to the AdSense team, there are various ways and steps of getting your money from Google AdSense. The mode or option of payment will depend on your residence (country you live in), amount you are withdrawing, earnings threshold.... This is how to get your earnings from AdSense

Google AdSense earnings proof

Here is a screenshot proof of Google AdSense earnings.

Top AdSense Earners

Need proof of Google AdSense earnings? Well, look no further. As we said earlier, this is not a get-rich-quick program. Thetop Google AdSense earners get high traffic,conversion rate ... etc. To make make money with AdSense, you need hard-work and patience. See the top earners list.

Creating Your AdSense Website

From what you have seen so far, it is wise to strategise before creating your website. Take note that if you start with a main agenda and aim to make money with Google AdSense, then you'll probably find the going rough. Taking time to create and build a quality site should be at the center of your focus.

You should know the niche or topic you want to venture into and the keywords you want to rank for. Remember to venture into niches/topics you understand well and are familiar with. You have to be a real guru in your field.

Once you have decided on what you want to do onyour site, start creating your website. There are two types of sites that you can create. A static and dynamic website. Creating a website will cost you around $5 per month or roughly $60/year. However, this is different from our topic. You can see the free tutorial on how to create a website.

Getting AdSense Code

For Ads to show onyour site, you must first sign up for AdSense.Signing up is free and takes few minutes.

Then copy and paste the Ads HTML code on your website or blog. Thereafter, wait for the AdSense team to review your site and if you get approved, the Ads will start showing on your site.

Here is a step by step guide for implementing the Google AdSense Ad code on your website. If you don't get approved, you can always try the top Adsense alternatives listed in our Guide below.

Step 1: Ensure you have a web site and substantial content.
AdSense revenue is shared with bloggers and webmasters. So you have to own a website/blog and put content to it. At least 25-40 pages onyour site. Your site's content must also meet Google AdSense guidelines. If you don't have a site, learn how to make a website and start earning with AdSense. Or send us an email at address [ ] to get free assistance.

Step 2: Sign up for AdSense and create a personal profile
Tosign up for AdSense, just go to Google Adsense Page andsign up free. AdSense sign up is free but you have to wait and get approved first to start earning. While signing up, you will have to fill up your AdSense personal information that Google will use to send you your AdSense earnings. Fill everything accurately in order to receive your hard earned AdSense earnings.

Step 3: Generate AdSense code for your website
Google AdSense pays you when you display ads on your site. When a visitor clicks on the ads, you earn some money from the clicks with AdSense. For the ads to show on your site, you have to copy and paste the AdSense code to your site. This is how togenerate the AdSense code;

Sign into your Google AdSense account.
Then create an AdSense ad unitby going to: My Ads> Ad units, then click "+ New ad unit" link/button.
Name your ad unit and select a size.After creating an AdSense ad unit, then name it to help you manage the ads data. You can give it even your files, names e.g file1.html, file2.html.... Then pick an AdSense ad size that you want to appear on your site. You can select any size ranging from the sButton (125 x 125), to the Wide Skyscraper (160 X 600) ... etc.
Set your Ad type and make a custom channel.You can make an ad type to determine the the type of ads that appear on your site. The ad types can be: text only, text and image etc. After that, make a custom channel to help you analyze your ads performance. Setting a custom channel is optional.
Make an ad style.It is preferred that you use the default Google AdSense settings here. However you can make ad styles that blend with your site's settings.
Finally, generate AdSense code and paste it toyour siteto start earning cash when people click on your ads. To get the AdSense code, just click the "save and get code" link. Then copy and paste the code to your web pages where you want the ads to appear.

Step 4: Get approved and make money
After pasting the AdSense code, you have to wait for Google AdSense to approveyour site after it has been reviewed for AdSense best practices. When approved, then you can start to make money. You can also learn tips on how to earn more money with Google Adsense below.

Step 5: (Final step) Manage your account
After being approved for AdSense, it's time to manage your account.This is the most important part in making money with Google AdSense. You have to manage your ads and notice the best practices that work for you. With time you may also need to maximize your earnings or just implement other ways on how to make more money. But the word of caution is 'DO NOT CLICK ON YOUR ADSENSE ADS'. Clicking on your ads will make you get banned or your earnings withheld by Google as a penalty for fraudulent activities. And once you are banned, you will never be accepted back. Also keep yourself updated with AdSense policies to be able to make money with Google AdSense.

Google AdSense Approval

Signing upis easy and free but getting approved is not. You have to follow the stipulated Google AdSense policies and the webmasters guidelines. Here are some key factors to consider before applying for Google AdSense:

You must be over 18yrs.Your website must be up and running.Your sitemust have rich content for advertisers (at least 30 pages).Your site must get good organic traffic.

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Google AdSense Ban or Suspension

Every time, people get suspended or even completely banned from the program. There are many reasons why this happens and for a fact AdSense even states this on their website. The specific reasons are not known. It's been left to Google's own discretion to rule on such matters.

According to the program's team, if you click on the ads on your website or even if they suspect any fraudulent activity onyour site, the penalty is a ban or suspension from the network. This is what is publicly known.

Remember, advertisers pay for the clicks and AdSense takes that very seriously. They monitor all the Ads activities especially newly approved sites.

NOTE: If you are suspended it may take upto several weeks to re-apply and be accepted back. However, if you get banned, you will never be accepted back into the program anymore.

After getting approved, the following Google AdSense tips will help you maximize your earnings and hence make more money with AdSense.

Top Google AdSense Tips to Increase CTR, CPM, CPC, ...

These AdSense tips show how to increase CTR Rates of your Ads in case you want to make more money by optimizing them.

Here are thetop 10 tips:

Position of Ads

This is the first step to help you make more money with Google AdSense. Ads should be placed where the visitors to your webpages spend most of their time. The perfect position for your ad placement is above the fold. This way you will get more clicks and hence make more money with AdSense.

NOTE:Google has recently stated in their web master's guidelines that websites and blogs that will be found placing too much ads rather than meaningful content in the above the fold area may get penalised. This is mainly because doing so creates a bad user experience and slows down a site. So please take note.


Keywords enable you to get more search traffic from search engines. This will determine the type of ads that show onyour site as advertsers bid high on search terms. The idea being that direct visitors from who perform searches with specific keywords tend to convert the most hence a quality return of investent (ROI). Depending on the demand from advertisers, high bid keywords equals high paying Ad. Some of the best paying ads are financial and education based ads. Targeting high paying AdSense keywords ensures you make more money with AdSense.

Good Content

If you have good content, 'Content is King', then it means advertisers are more willing to advertise onyour site. One should write unique content that has not been crowded. Also check your content spelling and grammar. If your spelling and grammar is poor, you may get irrelevant ads showing on your site hence low AdSense clicks.

Increase Traffic

More traffic is more clicks hence more money. Increase the amount of visitors/traffic toyour site if you want to earn more with and from a blog. Traffic will attract more quality advertisers. Especially from SERP (Search Engine Results Page). We have tried to compile for you a list on how to increase traffic for free, without spending a dime. The strategies do work, just click on the link and read on.

Blend Your Ads

If you want to make more money with advertising, then blend the ads to get more clicks. Blending helps the ad content appear naturally as site content so that they do not reflect as something different from the blog. Try to match the fonts of Google AdSense ads withyour site's fonts. Also make your Ads links blue, since blue is the universal color for links on the internet. There is a tool in AdSense's site platform that enables you to configure this.

Improve Your CTR

Improve your click through rate (CTR) if you want more cash on the ads you display. CTR is the ratio of visitors to conversion on your site. For example, if you have two in every one hundred impressions on your site as clicks on your ads, then it means that your CTR is two percent. That is; the number of clicks divided by the total impressions times 100%. For our case it gives us 2% Click Through Rate. The higher the CTR, the higher the demand for ad space on your site hence high paying ads. To increase your CTR, just follow the above tips and many others below.

Improve Your Page Rank

Sites with higher Google page rank get higher search ranking and hence higher demand and pay. Improving your page rank requires much effort and patience so do not think of doing it overnight. It is a gradual process that needs good work, see some of the ways to improve Google pagerank quickly.

Implement Best Ad Sizes

Use the best ad sizes that will ensure that you get more clicks. The best AdSense ad sizes are the 336 by 280 ads that show horizontally. Or for ads that appear on the side bars of your webpages, one can use the 120 by 600 or the 120 by 240 vertical banner ads. These ad sizes blend well with content and will help you earn more money..

Set Custom Channel

Finally, after implementing all the above tips, set a custom channel from your Google AdSense account to monitor how your ads are performing. This will help you notice the best methods, content, pages, ... that make you good revenue and the ones you could improve.

As you do all these keep in mind the rules to avoid any suspension or ban from the Google progam.

Make money with AdSense Without a Website

To start using Google AdSense we said you must have a website with substantial content and traffic. But if you actually do not have the means, will or you are not just ready, there are other not so reliable options for you.

You can earn money from AdSense by being a publisher at certain privately owned sites. See more of that.

Also if you have a personal reason, be it web design issues, you do not have money for web hosting, you are finding it hard for your website to get approved by AdSense ... etc.

Withdrawing Your Earnings

Finally, after earning your money with Google AdSense, you have to withdraw your earnings from the program and use it for your own needs. There is a procedure to be followed though in order to get your earnings. These procedures are determined by security, efficiency, tax policies in different countries, the country of residence ... the list continues.

Google sets different thresholds and actions to be done in order to get your money from your account. See more about withdrawing your AdSense earnings.

Google AdSense Alternatives

It is not a matter of do or die. If you got banned or suspended from AdSense then you can opt for other alternatives. The same way if AdSense does not approveyour site, there are other sites similar to AdSense. Most of these sites approve instantly and only require that you have a website with content.

Feel free to see a list of some of these sites, their rates, methods of payment ... AdSense alternatives list.

NOTE: Advertising is not the only way to monetizeyour site. See other ways to make money with a website.

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