The richest man in the world has earned a billion dollars a day

The head of the online retailer Amazon Jeff Bezos earned $ 1.15 billion for the day. This was due to the growth of the value of shares of his company - it was for the first time exceeded one and a half thousand dollars for paper.

Following the results of February 21, Amazon shares went up by one percent, to $ 1,482.92, the maximum value of securities reached $ 1503. In total since the beginning of 2018, the shares of the online retailer have risen by 26.5 percent.

The state of Bezos has increased to 124 billion dollars - it still occupies the first line in the rating. On the second line - the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates with the state of 91.6 billion dollars. In the third position - American investor Warren Buffett. His fortune is estimated at 86.2 billion dollars.

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