Surest Path To Wealth - Triple Your Income / Half Your Expenses.

Today's Success Blog

Authors Preface:

I have to admit that with most of my posts,

I'm really only talking to myself.

Perhaps that's what I need to do, for myself.

I hope that what I write inspires you!

But I don't want to come off like some "know it all" expert.

I'm not. (although I do think that I have good ideas and plans.)

I'm just a fellow traveler, like yourself.

On to today's post...

The Surest Path to Wealth - Triple Your Income / Half Your Expenses

Want freedom?

Want to make your own rules?

Want out of the "System"?

Want to be the captain of your own destiny?

Or, do you simply want to be left alone?

If you answered yes to most (or any), of these questions...

Then what you really want is: "Freedom"!

- the rat racer

Sadly, I know this will surprise some; however,

... FREEDOM - ISN'T FREE! (despite the claims & constitutions of authoritarian states)

- youtube - freedom of speech

In fact, freedom - is quite costly.

and if you want it...

you're going to have to pay for it.

The "Freedom Store" does not do "financing",

and they definitely DON'T ACCEPT credit cards.

(that's because all forms of debt - are in fact, devices of enslavement)

- freedom store sign

Freedom, being rare and precious, is expensive,

In order to calculate the costs,

one has to determine one's desired "measure of freedom",

and one even has to determine for how long does one wish to be free?

What is your wish?

A day? A month? A year? A Lifetime? Or one could even consider multi-generational freedom plan?

I recommend the lifetime plan, and I would assess the cost at about about 2 - 4 million in cash, investments, and assets.

As you can see, what we really need to get our hands on...


How exactly, does one gain wealth?


Double your income, and half your expenses.

and then,

Double it again.

(but don't half expenses again - just be frugal)

- passive income - earn while you live!

I will add my own caveat here, because life is now,

and our moments are nothing less than PRECIOUS!


We don't want to be lulled into selling our time for money.

and trading off the moments of our lives, for cash.

That defeats the purpose, and the goal, of being free.

- Not Freedom!

Rather, I suggest, that we create multiple streams of income.

Here's what I have setup thus far.

I have a carpet cleaning business.

I write blogs.

I invest and trade in crypto.

As new things come up in my life, I'll see if I can't monetize them.

Hopefully, my steemit work, will provide dividends of STEEM and SBD.

and the possibility exists that the market price of SBD could rise.

I plan to expand my carpet cleaning to hopefully double the income.

I also have raised my prices on cleanings, and I am often able to up-sell a cleaning job.

I am about to invest about 700 dollars to be trained in water damage remediation.

I have been able to get my author rewards up to about Five SBD per post.

This is the result of my research, and finding a secret to improving my rewards.

Shared Secret Blog Link (below): (i know, unforgivable self-promotion)

All in all, if I can get a couple of more streams of income, I will vastly increase my wealth.

I also invest my disposable income - in various markets,

And my eyes are always open for new opportunities to invest.

- wait patiently for rising markets - explosions happen!

Now, to be clear, and in point of fact.

I only spend about 6-8 hours a day doing carpet cleaning.

And i rarely schedule weekend work.

The rest of my time is spend writing, researching, and learning,

Or "upping my game", if you will.

One more PIVOTAL recommendation: Visualize.

Visualize, Visualize, Visualize.

"... I own a mansion and a yacht."

(I know, who has the time???)

However, I would recommend the 17 second visualization method, as can be found on youtube.

Perhaps I'll post about it in a future blog.

Nevertheless, suffice it to say,

Just spend 17 seconds in the morning and evening.

Sit quietly, and imagine "it all" coming true for you.

See it, live it, feel it, and believe it!

It's true, if you want it to be!

So that's all for today. Great journeys start with the first step.

Get on it! And I'll see you in Singapore! (that's my visualization)

NOTICE: In the spirit of wealthy thinking - I am CHANGING my standard sign-off

(Followers, please comment on how you like the change.)

Here's the New Sign-off (old will follow):

Please Upvote: (because I am so helpful!)

Please Comment: (because I am so excited to hear your thoughts!)

Please Resteeem: (because EVERYONE should read my blogs!)

Here's the Old Sign-off:

Please Upvote: (because I am so broke!)

Please Comment: (because I am so bored!)

Please Resteeem: (because no one reads my blogs!)

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