Tip #166: Don’t simply accept the loan that the dealer offers you when you purchase a car.
Whenever you purchase a car, the dealer will try to offer you financing. Instead of taking this simply because it is there, try to get a better rate from an outside option.
Tip #167: Compare all loans you can get to the loans e-loan.com offers you.
When it comes to getting a loan, always compare what you’re offered to what you can get on e-loan.
Tip #168: Pay your bills on time to avoid late fees.
Don’t ever miss a bill payment. One day might not seem like a big deal, but in reality, it can translate into tarnished credit and expensive fees.
Tip #169: Tutor students at the local high school to make money.
If you need to make money, consider working as a tutor for students at a school in your area. Focus on an area in which you have expertise.
Tip #170: Pick up a summer job, such as lifeguarding.
Pick up a summer job, such as working as a lifeguard. In addition to your normal job, it will help you to make some extra cash.
Tip #171: Pick up a winter job, such as gift-wrapping.
Winter jobs and seasonal jobs can also make a nice addition to your normal employment.
Tip #172: Add a part time job to your full time job.
If you are already working full time, consider picking up a part time job to augment your income.
Tip #173: Meet with a career counselor.
Don’t just think about the short term. Consider how you can improve your income prospects in the long run by talking to a career counselor and getting organized.
Tip #174: Go back to school to improve your career prospects.
Going back to school is one of the best ways to get ahead in life. If you’re currently stuck in a dead-end job, consider going back to school for an MBA or another practical degree.
Tip #175: Periodically apply to new jobs to see what types of offers you can get.
If you’re wondering what type of salary the market might offer you, the best way to find out is to submit applications. Do this on a regular basis to see whether or not your prospects of moving up are good.
Tip #176: Blog about a topic that interests you and use AdSense adds to generate revenue.
Pick a niche. Blog about that niche. And then contextual adds to your blog to generate ad revenue.
Tip #177: Sell ClickBank products as an affiliate.
Pick a niche and sell ClickBank products in that niche. You can do it using AdWords or by advertising them on an existing site.
Tip #178: Create digital products and sell them using PayPal.
Create digital products, such as short ebooks or audio content using freely available materials. Then, setup a small site, direct traffic to it, and accept payment through PayPal.
Tip #179: Start your own brick-and-mortar business.
Start your own brick-and-mortar business. Base it out of your house originally, but then move to a retail store once things get the chance to grow.
Tip #180: Make improvements to your current business.
If you have an existing business, consider making improvements to it to help decrease long run costs or to improve your outreach.
Tip #181: Reduce the costs that your current business incurs.
Another way to make more money is to cut costs at your existing business. Find ways to do things more efficiently and to reduce the costs of your inputs.
Tip #182: Get a roommate.
If you want to spend less on rent, get a r
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Tip #183: Add an additional roommate.
If you already have a roommate, but still have a spare room, consider adding yet another roommate to cut costs further.
Tip #184: Go apartment hunting to find a better deal.
If your current apartment is too expensive, then spend more time searching for your next apartment, so that you can get a better price for the amenities you get.
Tip #185: Apply for insurance discounts, such as good student discounts.
Many insurance companies offer discounts for good students and for other reasons. When applicable, make sure you secure these discounts.
Tip #186: Move into a house with fewer (or no) unused rooms.
If you’re living in a house with many extra rooms, consider moving to one that has fewer or no empty rooms to cut back on unnecessary mortgage and heating costs.
Tip #187: Get an energy audit.
An energy audit can help you to determine where you’re wasting energy, so that you can adjust your behavior and save costs.
Tip #188: Try to minimize utility costs.
Wherever possible, cut down on utility costs by reducing energy and water use.
Tip #189: Take advantage of free financial counseling services.
Many non-profit organizations offer free financial counseling services. Take advantage of these if possible.
Tip #190: Go to the student aid office to get advice about your loans.
If you’re a student, go to the financial aid office to get advice about your loans. Find out what types of loans are best for your particular situation.
Tip #191: Take advantage of local libraries.
Instead of buying books, videos, and CDs, borrow them from your local library.
Tip #192: Take advantage of parks.
Going to a park is a good alternative to more expensive forms of entertainment.
Tip #193: Friend your favorite stores on Facebook to get coupons.
Many stores now have Facebook pages that they use to announce deals. Join pages for the stores you stop at most frequently.
Tip #194: Enroll in online newsletters to offer free coupons to subscribers.
Many online newsletters offer coupons for their own products and others for free. Join these newsletters and take advantage of the offers.
Tip #195: Use the same service for your Internet, cable TV, and phone.
Using the same service for your Internet, cable TV, and phone can save you a lot of money.
Tip #196: Get rid of blemishes on your credit score.
If you have blemishes on your credit report (and they are incorrect), fight to get them corrected. If they are correct, then work to improve your record.
Tip #197: Send away for rebates.
When you purchase a product that comes with a rebate, send away for it.
Tip #198: Get refurbished electronics, such as cell phones.
Instead of paying the full price for new electronics, purchase electronics refurbished to save money.
Tip #199: Use government-recommended energy-saving appliances.
When furnishing your kitchen and other rooms with appliances, consider purchasing only government-agency approved energy-efficient appliances to save on your utilities in the long run.
Tip #200: By generic OTC medications, rather than purchasing the brand name versions.
When purchasing over-the-counter medication, get generic versions, rather than name brands. They are chemically identical, but cheaper.
Tip #201: Take advance of employer pension and investment matching programs.
Many employers will match your 401(k) or other investment contributions. Take advantage of these programs by putting a larger portion of your income directly into your investment account.
Tip #202: Increase your insurance deductible.
Increasing your auto insurance deductible will significantly reduce the premium you pay on a monthly basis.
Tip #203: Don’t always submit insurance claims.
Before you submit an insurance claim, decide whether or not it is worth it. For instance, will the $500 you avoid paying out of pocket be less than the amount you will pay in higher premiums?
Tip #204: Apply for 0% interest credit cards.
Whenever possible, get a 0% APR credit card and transfer your high-interest credit card debt to that card.
Tip #205: Eliminate expensive sources of debt.
Not all sources of debt are created equal. Eliminate the ones that incur massive financing charges by paying them off first or by taking out a consolidation loan to eliminate them.
Tip #206: Go to a health fair to get reduced-cost services.
Health fairs often offer steeply discounted rates on physical check-ups, bloodpressure checks, and other routine medical procedures. Take advantage of these to save some money.
Tip #207: Don’t go to the ER or use other high-cost medical services.
Instead of going to the Emergency Room, schedule an appointment with a doctor. This could save you hundreds of dollars.
Tip #208: Use do-it-yourself medical testing for routine procedures.
In many cases, using a do-it-yourself healthcare kit can be an inexpensive alternative to visiting a doctor. See what tests are available for your situation; and decide whether or not it is worth it.
Tip #209: Look for free healthcare services.
Next time you see a free health clinic or some other free health care service, take advantage of it.
Tip #210: Argue insurance claims against you.
Next time you are involved in a car accident, work hard to state your case. Do not simply allow the insurance companies to hear the other person’s version of the story.
Tip #211: Be sure to state your case clearly and in a detailed manner to insurance companies.
Call your insurance company and work with the person involved in your claim. Make sure that you do not get stuck with fraudulent claims that are unrelated to your accident.
Tip #212: Purchase new eye glasses whenever deals become available.
From time to time, companies will offer steep discounts on eye-glasses. Whenever these become available, take advantage of them to secure a new pair of glasses.
Tip #213: Do teeth-whitening at home with store-bought products, rather than paying for professional services.
Rather than paying for professional teeth-whitening services, purchase a store at a convenience store and use it at home. This can save you hundreds of dollars and produce comparable results.
Tip #214: Make use of dollar stores.
While much of the inventories of dollar stores are frivolous items, some things are truly useful. Look for these items and save.
Tip #215: For home-cooked meals, avoid pre-cut foods and chop the foods at home instead.
Purchasing foods before they are cut will save you a large chunk of money. Get in the habit of doing this.
Tip #216: Pay attention to receipts.
When you’re at the register, pay attention to each item’s price as it is rung in. Also, check the receipt after you’re finished to make sure you were charged correctly for each item.
Tip #217: Complain if the scanned item’s price doesn’t match price on the shelf.
In some cases, the prices will not have been updated in the store’s system; and, as a result, the scanner won’t pick-up a discount. Make sure that you ask for the discount in these cases.
Tip #218: Make money by bargain buying and reselling on eBay.
Look at the bargain bin in clothing stores and other retail outlets. Get bargain items and then resell them on eBay.
Tip #219: Setup an eBay store.
One way to gain a reputation on eBay and to speed along your sales is to create a store. Do this to sell your bargain bin merchandise.
Tip #220: Buy products at government auctions and resell them on eBay. If you want to make money without putting down a large investment, consider buying products at a steep discount at government auctions; and then reselling them on eBay.
Tip #221: Use inexpensive methods to promote your business, such as online advertising.
Instead of using expensive promotional methods, try to use targeted advertising for your brick-and-mortar business, such as online, contextual ads.
Tip #222: Advertise your business or services through flyers with rip-off numbers.
Advertise your brick-and-mortar business or your services through flyers with ripoff numbers.
Tip #223: Locate scrap metal and sell it at a scrap yard.
Scrap yards are often willing to pay hundreds of dollars for large pieces of aluminum or other metals. Consider using sites like Craigslist to locate pieces of scrap metal, so that you can pick them up and resell them.
Tip #224: Offer to drive co-workers and friends to mutual locations if they are willing to cover part of the gas.
Whenever possible, try to setup a carpool with your friends and co-workers. This will allow you all to share the cost of gas and of wear-and-tear on the car.
Tip #225: Create and sell content online.
If you’re good at writing, consider writing articles, ebooks, or reports—and then selling them online.
Tip #226: Work through Elance.com as a consultant.
If you want to make money online, consider working as a consultant in your area of expertise on Elance.com.
Tip #227: Find freelance writing projects online.
Find freelance projects on Elance.com and other sites to make money in your spare time.
Tip #228: Pick up freelance programming projects online.
Use sites like rentacoder.com to pick up extra programming jobs to make more money in your free time.
Tip #229: Offer to sell your friends’ and neighbors’ stuff on eBay for a small commission.
Know someone who has some extra junk lying around in her home? Offer to sell it online on eBay for a small commission.
Tip #230: Create a CafePress store and sell t-shirts or other merchandise.
CafePress allows you to create your own products, such a mugs, t-shirts, and bumper-stickers. If you’re a creative person, create your own store and then use it to sell your personalized merchandise.
Tip #231: Sell affiliate products using Commission Junction.
Sell both electronic and tangible products as an affiliate using sites like Commission Junction.
Tip #232: Use Linkshare.com to sell tangible products as an affiliate.
Some of the largest and most respected corporations sell their products through independent affiliates on linkshare.com. Consider creating an account and selling their products through your existing website (or creating a new website to do so).
Tip #233: Sell individual stock photos.
Take photographs of everyday things, such as sunsets, sunrises, buildings, animals, and nature scenes. Sell these individual photos on a stock photo site.
Tip #234: Sell stock photo lightboxes.
If you’re a good photographer, create a lighbox of photos for a particular theme and then sell it on a stock photo site.
Tip #235: Work as a blogger for pay.
Using Elance.com or another site, find a site administrator who needs a full time blogger. If you’re a good writer who can come up with clever blog entries, this is a good way to make money.
Tip #236: Sell support services for Open Source software.
Since anyone can legally do it, consider providing paid support for Open Source software, such as OpenOffice or WordPress. Use forums to market your services.
Tip #237: Sell WordPress templates.
If you’re a reasonably good programmer and have an eye for design, consider creating and selling WordPress templates. Good templates can fetch as much as $25 a piece.
Tip #238: Offer remote software help services.
If you’re tech-savvy market your services via Elance.com as a remote software installer or trouble-shooter. Services such as these can fetch as much as $50/hr.
Tip #239: Buy and sell websites.
Using sitepoint.com and other online site marketplaces, buy, develop, and resell sites. If you’re good at it, this can be an excellent way to make money.
Tip #240: Invest in “virtual real estate.”
Instead of investing all of your savings in stocks and bonds, put some of it into domains, fully developed sites, or other forms of virtual real estate.
Tip #241: Sell banner advertising on your website.
If you have a site that generates traffic, consider selling banner advertising space on it to generate revenue.
Tip #242: Sell cost per click (CPC) ads on your site through Google AdSense.
Instead of selling banner ads, consider selling CPC advertising through Google AdSense on your site.
Tip #243: Sell CPC ads on your site using YPN.
Consider using YPN, rather than AdWords, to generate revenue for your site.
Tip #244: Use PayPerPost and review products on your blog for money.
If you have a popular blog, consider using PayPerPost, which will pay you to review products on your blog.
Tip #245: Develop and sell sites.
Instead of purchasing, developing, and selling sites, start with the development phase. Pick a niche, develop a viable site, promote it, and then sell it.
Tip #246: Create a site network to make money.
Instead of creating just one site and reselling it, create a network of sites that complement each other. For instance, you might create a niche social networking site to generate traffic; and you might then funnel that traffic into a retail site.
Tip #247: Create your own forum.
Pick a niche, create a forum, and then create that forum. Once you have built up a large number of members, resell it on sitepoint.com or another site marketplace.
Tip #248: Purchase and grow a forum.
Instead of developing your own forum, purchase someone else’s forum, improve it, send traffic to it, and then resell it.
Tip #249: Sell your services on Sitepoint.com.
In addition to selling your services on Elance.com and Guru.com, sell your services in other places, such as sitepoint.com.

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