On landing a new job (and landing on my feet) as a professional poodle pamperer assessor assessor

Among many other things. I now get paid to go into various workplaces where on the job training is taking place and ‘assess the assessment process’ – I basically watch the person delivering the training to a trainee and observe them observing and question them to make sure the assessment process is fair, matches the qualification criteria and so on.

OK yes it does involve a certain amount of form filling, but today it meant I got to go to a dog grooming parlour for an hour and observe the owner observing and assessing her trainee whose studying towards a city and guilds qualification. I basically just had to sit there watching someone watching someone else bathe and dry a dog.

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Next Wednesday I get to go to Birmingham hospital and watch someone watching someone doing physiology on someone.

I wasn't actually looking for a job BTW, this is all thanks to a friend and ex colleague of mine whose expanding his training and work-based assessment company into three cities in my area: Birmingham, Bristol and Cardiff. And guess where I’ve just moved to: Hereford, which just so happens to be near enough equidistant from all of these three cities.

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I’m not sure how much work I’ll be getting: the people doing the qualification which allows them to deliver qualifications in their workplaces decided when they want to be assessed, and I get called on at relatively short notice to go and assess them assessing, but this is just the perfect addition to my income streams ATMIT.

Compared to the absolute drudge of teaching, this to me is just amazing: I get to go out and meet people in the real world doing real things, it’s varied and interesting and it’s dead easy. It also gets me out of the house: just sitting here developing my blog was getting a bit insular!

There is a tiny tiny section of my brain that's agog at just how over-regulated workplace assessment seems to be: yes there is another layer: someone else also assesses the quality of my assessment of the assessor's assessment of the learner, but at the end of the day it's all dollar dollar!

Once again I just seem to have just landed on my feet!

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