Your school or college results has nothing to do with your success in life, if you are an A student most probably you are going to work for your classmate who is a C student, why? Let's start reading.
When I was a kid, my family always told me: "Study hard, get good grades, and get a job.", and this is a reality not only in my family but in thousand, millions other families.
In the early ages I was a great student, had straight As and I actually encountered an image that said "A students work for C students" and I laughed about it, I thought it was completely ridiculous.
But then I read the book "Why "A" students work for "C" students", by Robert Kiyosaki I realized that the picture was quite accurate.
If you look at "A" students, they normally come from a family of employers, or specialists like lawyers/doctors, and the students often follow their parent's footsteps and also become lawyers/doctors.
And let me tell you what is wrong about that. If you are an engineer or a doctor, although you have a good salary, half of it goes normally to taxes, and after paying mortgage, car and debit card, most of them end up only with a few hundred dollars in to spend on themselves. And you must be out of your mind if you think that you are rich because you get 200,000.00$ but 50% of it goes to taxes and you spend the rest of it on stupid things.
Taxes percentage paid by quadrant:
E- Employed 40%
B- Business owner 20%
S- Self-employed 60%
I- Investor 0% (sometimes)

Active income: You change your time and effort for an income. Employed and Self-employed
Passive income: You get money while you are sleeping. You employ people. Business owner and Investor

Big business owners and investors are not "A" students or "B" students, but they are financially smart.

Let's see this from a rich person point of view.
Asset- Things that put money in your pocket.
Liability- Everything that takes money from your pocket.

If you are an "A" student, you probably think that your house is your biggest investment and your biggest asset, because that's what the school taught us. But it's not. Because it takes money out of your pocket, you have to pay taxes for it, insurance and other things. But if you rent it, then it is an asset. Because you are getting money in return.
So the rich focus themselves on increasing their assets, like real estate, stocks, businesses, and, whether they work or not, their assets will keep putting money in their pocket. Rich people don't work for money because work=time and time is limited.
And then we have engineers and doctors, who think they are rich, but if they stop working, they have no source of income and they become bankrupt.

There is absolutely no problem with starting with a job, but you slowly have to create new sources of income, to become richer and richer. Rich enough that you don't need to work for money anymore. Money is working for you.
I understand that your goals is to get a college degree, get a house and a new amazing car, but with that, you are only going to increase your liabilities and get poorer and poorer.

"A" students are not used to fail because if they get a "B+" it's the end of the world", they always got good grades, and failure is almost never present in their life. They have no idea how to deal with failure, and because 9/10 business fail, they are afraid to give it a shot.
Soo they get a job, a stable job, who gives them an average payment. But who runs that job? It's a "C" student. A "C" student that probably failed quite some times before hitting the jackpot when they created the company wich you are working for.
And that's why "A" students work for "C" students.
Adicionaly, I'm not telling you to quit school, I'm not telling you to get bad grades, I'm not telling you to not follow your dreams. But think about it.

Book that I advise you to read: "Why "A" students work for "C" students" 51LLJzPcpGL.jpg

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