Enabling Civil War 2.0 - Part XII - End of the Petrodollar System, among other things...

by Quan Parker

"There’s no such thing as the foreseeable future." — Charles Burton Marshall

The Dark State and its practitioners obviously have plans other than restoring anything resembling constitutional liberty, meaningful justice, FED solvency or common sense restraint in any but nominal ways.

They do not seem hurried in dealing with the collapsing confidence in the (unbacked) petrodollar; indeed, there appears to be a plan (no point in calling it conspiracy; they are paid to come up with "plans"). Unless you have a way to pay off your family's share of the $20 trillion National Debt, ($57,000 per person), or contribute your part (e.g. IRA, 401(k), bonds) to bail out the insolvent bankster system ($500,000 - 1,000,000 per person), then you and yours are a drag on the plow and a candidate for euthanasia; or maybe the gulag, if you can still haul slop.

After all, "they" can't allow all these smart-ass vitamins-and-truth geezers to live to 100 soaking up benefits, because the Social (In)Security system was designed upon semi-rational expectations of rampant "normal" mortality, and is already way beyond broke. What young person entering the work force now is going to accept crushing taxes to pay for retired generations living way past their freshness dates, I mean, break-even ages?

Excuse me, but something's gotta give, unfortunately, very soon. And anytime anything "gives," it usually refers to constitutional protections, or the taxpayers themselves.

Going our way?

America and its NATO vassals are about to be cut out of the New Silk Road axis of cooperation and commerce, a huge, state-of-the-art high-speed rail and pipeline complex that will stretch from Siberia and China to Europe. Parts of it are reportedly already in operation.

To ride the new Orient Express will take something better than petrobux. There will be a hard yuan and/or semi-hard ruble, as both countries have quietly stockpiled gold while driving prices lower with skillful shortselling into rallies, exacerbated by our own government's naked shortselling due to potential embarrassment should gold skyrocket against the putrid petrofiat.

The new yuan/ruble basket (along with cryptos based upon them) will eventually be fatal to the oppressive US system of world money and banking hegemony. When that burden is shed by the Asian Atlases holding up the World, the Social Security and other unfunded liabilities, pensions and 401(k)'s, IRA's and all other dollar-denominated "assets" will be forfeit. Is that why we threaten them with war? Is it Tail Wag the Dog time again?

It's not the value of gold, Bitcoin, oil or milk going up, it's the value of the dollar going down! And the ultimate price of BTC or gold or anything depends on how worthless the dollar becomes! How many edollars will be cast into the Black Hole, diluting the value of the dollar even further than the 98% it has lost since the FED was created?

The question of what might or might not be in Ft. Knox has surfaced yet again, since there has been no meaningful audit in modern times. It was an item of speculation back in the early '70's, investigated and reported on by a French journalist named Dr. Peter Beter (really). The price of gold was about $90/oz. then. A couple of years later the price hit $900/oz.

A Better Fiat

The very existence and strength of BitCoin (BTC) reveals the shocking weaknesses of the fiatpetro system. BTC, itself unbacked, is nevertheless not a pure "fiat" because of superior safeguards against inflation. Only BTC and certain other cryptocurrencies are permanently limited by an algorithm in the blockchain itself, to a fixed amount of coins (21,000,000 in the case of BTC).

This is key to preventing the possibility of insidious dilution of the supply (which is what corrupt, irresponsible government do to pay for war and to buy votes), and the most crucial credibility feature of the concept. Transaction fees are so far below those of the world-enslaving FATCA/Petrodollar system that it cannot compete! And the privacy! Thus the invisible hand of the world market is about to deliver to the arrogant US hegemons a very stiff middle finger!

The good news is, nothing that can't be replaced has collapsed yet, and it wouldn't be the end of the world if the banks go broke. With these new alternatives available, surely we can perfect electronic barter with the great assistance of blockchain technology, as well as hard currencies from other countries.

What the Chinese used to call a "Paper Tiger"

Obviously a good outcome of the Big Reset would rule out any kind of military confrontation with the rest of the world, especially the Russians. You see, they have much better weapons than we do. As a matter of fact, they can destroy aircraft carriers with the new Zircon anti-ship missile, using extremely powerful new conventional warheads... As well as any other point on the planet, from orbit or from any platform including containers with pop-up 4-bangers, each going separate ways, with a range of 300 miles or more, satellite guided. Put that in your fake news filter and smoke it.

You may need to pry your mind open a slight bit more to get around this stuff. Good. There's oh so much more to come.

When people think you make them think, they will like you; but when you really make them think, they will hate you.” — Don Marquis, creator of Archy and Mehitabel comic series.

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