Making Money through Amazon FBA

Hello everyone! Recently I was studying passive income, and stumbled upon Amazon FBA.


What is Amazon FBA?

FBA is Amazon's Fulfillment, that is, you send the goods to the Amazon warehouse, and Amazon sells them to the consumers. Every time you sell something that is shipped directly from an Amazon warehouse, you don't even have to ever touch the product! Each transaction goes through Amazon, who take a slight transaction fee.

What do I sell?

You can sell anything! Most people use sellers like Alibaba to purchase items in bulk and ship them off for amazon to sell.

Can I do it from any country?

Yes, as long as you have a bank account abroad. Because of the entire delivery process, you do not need to do anything. You only have to ship the goods to a foreign warehouse.

How do I do it?

Although I have not done it, I've spent a total of more than 100 hours learning this method. First, you need to find a niche. Look for a niche that is relatively unfilled or were other sellers have poor rating (below 4 stars). Your ideal product price should be around $20; this is enough money to make a healthy profit but small enough that people won't think to hard before buying. Then check Alibaba for the price and use the FBA calculator to calculate the money.

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You can usually make profit margins of around 30% if you do it right. Start out with a small order and take customer feedback into account before buying too much of an item. If you want to know more, there are tons of tutorials online on amazon FBA, as well as on @seanyang 's steemit, go check them out!

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