The value of Bezos' assets exceeded $150 billion

A year ago, Amazon's founder and the biggest shareholder, Jeff Bezos, has become the most influential man in the world, but has now gained another primacy among the wealthiest of the rich. The value of its assets on Monday exceeded $ 150 billion, Bloomberg reported.

Forty-four-year-old Bezose's property is roughly $ 55 billion higher than a property of Microsoft's founder Bill Gates, who is second in rank.

Bloomberg calculated that after adjusting the value of the asset because of inflation, Bezos took the title of the richest man in modern history from Gates. Gates' assets in 1999 surpassed 100 billion for a short time, which would be $ 149 billion today. Amazon's boss has become the richest man ever (since 1982), when Forbes first published his ranking of the planet's richest people, Bloomberg stated.

There are more ranks of the richest people in the world. Forbes has been compiling its rank for the longest time - since 31 years, every year.

Shares of Amazon rose on Monday and thus surpassed 150 billion. Since the beginning of the year, the company's shares have grown by about 56 percent and Bezos's assets by about 52 billion. This is more than the entire estate of Indian businessman Mukeh Ambani, who has recently become the richest man in Asia, where he overcame the Chinese businessman and founder of Alibaba Jack Maa.

Bezos is also almost as rich as the Walton family, which owns Walmart, and has about 151.5 billion. Walmart was founded in the 1960s by Sam Walton. He was also the richest man in the world in the 1980s.

Gates' assets are now estimated at 95.5 billion. But Gates would have more than 150 billion dollars if he didn't leave part of his property, mostly in sake of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Since 1996, according to publicly available information, Gates donated nearly 700 million shares of Microsoft and $ 2.9 billion in cash and other assets.

The first American billionaire is considered to be oil magnate John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), whose name has become a symbol of wealth.

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