3 ways to save money after payday

Everyone seems to like to jump on a spending spree immediately after receiving payment alert, but with these tips, you can save money.
Is there any particular magic or secret about how to save ones money after payday, because my income seems to disappear as soon as I receive it?

If you are looking for a positive answer to this question, you might end up spending the rest of your life looking for a secret that does not exist.

The reason why money seems to disappear few days after payday is that everyone like to jump on a spending spree immediately after receiving payment alert.

So, instead of looking for secret and magic that can help you save your hard earned money, all you need to learn is an understanding of tips and strategies that make it easier for you to save your money.

So, here are the three tips save money after payday.

  1. Draw out clear goals

If you always wait to receive your salary before you decide what to spend the money on, you'll probably overspend and run out of cash before the next payday.

Therefore, if you really wish to save and spend your money judiciously, to you've got to spell out what your saving goals are for the month some days before payday. Mind you, make sure your saving plans are realistic and achievable.

  1. Create a budget and stick to it

Spending without planning your expenses is also capable of throwing you into debts. As a matter of fact, having a budget plan and sticking to it like a religion can prevent you from borrowing from friend and colleagues because it will guide your spending and personal savings.

  1. Control yourself when using your ATM card

Using your debit card makes it easier for you to spend more than you budget for. A study has also shown that by using your debit card for all transactions, you'll likely spend 12% more than you usually would have spent.

So, to save more and spend little, you may need to avoid using your debit card every time.

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