How much money does steemit generate in 24 hours?

Did you ever ask yourself: "How much steem is produced in one full day?". I sure did, and when I looked for an answer on steemit, I couldn't find anything.

Is it $10 000, or is it more like $100 000? One can never know without going through every post created in last 24 hours and counting and summing up all rewards, and thats exactly what I am about to do! ... Well, not manually of course, my script will do all the work.

The script will use steem-js api and go 100 posts at a time, until it reaches the first post that was created more than 24 hours ago. It will also count the number of posts that were considered.

Besides post, it will take all the comments and subcomments in calculation.

After running the script, to me, the result was shocking: A total number of 16803 posts, with total value of 66146.812 SBD in pending payout value.

This of course is considering that some of the posts calculated were created few seconds, or few minutes ago! The total value of all comments on the posts is 4138.337 SBD, giving us a final nuber of 70285.149 SBD!

I believe that is an amazing number, and all marketing campaigns should mention it at least once. I mean, do you know any other creator network that is even close to this number?

What do you think about this? Comment below and give me your opinion. Bye!

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