The importance (or not) of Work-Life-Balance – A critical reflection


How is your Work-Life-Balance? Pretty much balanced or are you still walking the wire? Do you have the point of view, you have to work hard in order to enjoy your life? Work is the hard part – Life is the fun part?

Imagine a life, where you jump for joy after your holidays to get back to work. Does this sound possible? My point of view is: There is no ‘either – nor’, there is ‘as well as’. You can have fun at your job and fun in life. ‘Either – nor’ creates separation and you always have to choose which one you are doing now: the hard part or the fun part. What would it take to allow you to have fun with work in order to use less energy on equilibrating work and life?

First thing: Ask yourself, where in your life you are having fun and which parts need some change to perceive more joy?

The second interesting thing: People usually think they have to work hard to make money. How does this sound and feel for you? Heavy or light? Remember: What is true for you feels light, was isn’t true for you feels heavy. Why don’t you change tracks and ask yourself: What is so much fun and ease for me, it doesn’t even feel like work?

People usually don’t consider making money with things they love and they don’t need to put effort and hard work into. How can you turn the fun things into an income stream? There are always people who hate doing the things you love and there is the money. Do what you love and the money will follow.

Making money with things you love

You don’t need to force this into existence and turn it into hard work again. Grab some notepads and write down all the things you love – everything! Remember what you are doing all day long and what is fun for you. We usually don’t really notice the fun part, only the hard part. Now change your focus: Where are the people who hate doing what you love? These are the people who will pay you for your fun. Once you ask this question and put the demand out there, the energy will follow. With your choice and your demand you allow it to happen and people will show up.

Add some of the fun things daily – step by step. Give yourself more space for creativity and a little bit less structure. By the way, this may also work at your place of employment. If you feel stuck somewhere, bored or if you’re unhappy with some work routines: Talk to your boss. It costs nothing to ask, on the contrary. Making your own contribution can be very welcome. Being authentic and having fun is also a great contribution for your company and it creates more for everyone.

Wherever you add energy, it increases. Wherever you remove energy, it lowers down: like a dimming light. This is simple quantum physics. Your thoughts, choices and actions are energy too. Become aware of your focus and you increase whatever you want.

Making money with things you love can be weird in the beginning. It’s normally not a concept you are used to. Don’t make yourself small or feel bad if you’re asking for money. Especially if you’re asking for money for something that is easy and fun for you. There are people out there who love to pay you to not doing it themselves.

What action can you take now to do more of what you love? Get up with a happy dance every morning and allow yourself to have fun in every part of your life.

With ease and joy


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