The Venezuelan currency

Hello steemit community and as you have noticed in the title today I come to post the topic of the currency of Venezuela and how it has evolved and devalued over the years LET'S START!

The Venezuelan currency was established in 1879 by President Antonio Guzmán Blanco .... My guess is that you will not even know it, okay let's skip the boring story, as I kept saying the Venezuelan currency has come up a lot on the side of appearance, writing and history.
The currency of Venezuela bears its name as every currency in the world and the name that carries itself is BOLIVAR, that name was placed with the purpose of honoring the maximum hero of Venezuelan independence Mr. SIMON BOLIVAR (which by the way yesterday July 5 We celebrate our independence THANK YOU!).

Its name is BOLIVAR, our tickets are printed in paper money and very different colors and characters that have made history in Venezuela.

Since 2007 they have changed the figure and the colors of the tickets, but also have devaludao little by little, I will teach them in the photos the evolution of them in image and colors.
Each ticket has its historical character and its different colors and denomination. In the old tickets are SIMON BOLIVAR, EZEQUIEL ZAMORA, SIMON RODRIGUEZ, ANTONIO GUZMAN BLANCO among others ..

In 2007 they updated the currency and the tickets with the same characters but with more update here you will see them in the image. This is the ticket of 2 bolívares, 5 bolívares, 10, 20, 50, and 100 bolivars, they look really nice !!!

But now I come with the vile reality of what has been our currency to pass the years and to go from the presidents and governments that have devalued the currency, now have different colors same characters but different numbers.
You will say but if they have many bony numbers that will be rich but not those numbers only give the appearance to the matter, because these bills are worth nothing in our country or abroad sadly for us.

As you will see 1 dollar equals 8,000 thousand bolívares, bone, I explain 1 dollar are 800 100 bolivars, in this image shows very well the mountain of tickets.

Impressive true good draw your conclusions of how much bills would be 100 thousand dollars, a lot a full backpack. The bills have maximum number but little monetary value and tragically a package of rice or flour is worth between 10,000 or 8 thousand bolívares bone and you can imagine what we have to take to buy it in the cellar ...
Alii will see the cute ones that are seen but the little that costs sad but true, they have already noticed that only one dollar costs 8,000 thousand bolivars, but 8,000 thousand bolivars are worth nothing in the United States or another tragic country but I no longer want to talk about that topic.

You must know how the currency is in Venezuela to extend this subject and I will be bored of talking about the same, let's continue to see images so that at least they know what color and models are our tickets.
Already sorry to extend this post hahaha! Tell me what your currency is and what colors you have .. !! THANK YOU!!!! Until next post greetings !!! Steemians

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