How to get richer - Part three

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How to get richer - Part three

Save this month:

  1. Review your loans and insurance policies. Book a meeting with the bank to negotiate your interest, collect or otherwise reallocate your loans and insurance to reduce costs for you.

  2. Review your electricity deal and compare prices online. Change electricity deal if you find that your current is not beneficial to you and your consumption.

  3. Pause your gym card when the sun is still shining. Embark on the jogging track and take advantage of your local outdoor space in October or at least as long as the weather permits.

  4. If you have difficulty keeping your salary when it comes into account, you can set a bargain for a month. Like a detox, fixed for your wallet and your habits. Do not buy any clothes, gadgets or makeup products for a month to have time to review your consumption pattern.

  5. Pull down on electricity consumption. Turn off lights you do not need, switch to LED lights and light cozy candles during bright summer evenings. Also reduce the heat of the elements, and turn off and unplug cables for stand-by devices for a long time.

  6. Do not buy on installment. You risk losing paying and, in addition, it often adds to interest and fees that can be expensive for you.

  7. Review your mobile subscription. How much do you actually talk to the phone and how many sms do you send? Can you decrease the number of minutes in favor of more surf? Perhaps you can also reduce the amount of surf and use wifi at home and in the workplace to a greater extent instead?

  8. Only use the dishwashers and washing machines when full. Wash clothes more rarely, sometimes a weather can suffice for your jeans or your dress. Choose programs that use sparingly with water and also consider your other water consumption. Do not leave the crane on when brushing your teeth or cleaning the frying pan.

  9. Buy new used. Many sell barely used garments for a cheap money and you can even borrow clothes or arrange a change of clothes night with friends of the same size. For single parties, there are stores that lend clothes, for example Filippa K.

  10. Look for free (or beneficial) entertainment for the day or companion. Many museums have free entrance and the same applies to parks, events that are open to the public and some other outdoor activities. It does not always have to be an expensive dinner, snack or drink every time you find something.


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