How to get richer - Part four

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How to get richer Part four

Save in half a year:

  1. Plan your vacation in good time to save money. Please travel on odd dates and avoid the national law as well as weekends when the price is highest.

  2. If you paused your gym card during the summer and autumn, think about whether you really use it during the winter season. Are you rarely in the gym and doing one-sided exercises that can really be done at home? Buy dumbbells and other smaller gear and work out in front of a clip on Youtube instead!

  3. Make it a habit to review your fixed expenses once or twice a year. Can you renegotiate terms, unsubscribe or change a favor?

  4. Fill the wardrobe consciously. Keep track of what clothes you have and build a working base that you can then season with a few purchases. If the garment you have in the wardrobe does not match each other, it becomes easy a bad circle of shopping.

  5. Keep track of the rees - but beware of them too! When you need something new, it's good to keep track of reeperiods, cashback sites and discount codes to save money on your purchase. But beware to be tempted by offers that you do not really need. If you are having trouble withstand the temptation when the newsletter with a coupon code drops in the mailbox (just right for the payday weekend) it is best to terminate your subscription.

Save in the long run:

  1. Make a budget. Review what expenses you have in each category (such as housing, transportation, food, shopping and entertainment, saving) and make a budget that is reasonable in relation to your income. Do not forget to give priority to saving!

  2. Read about tax returns in time before it's time. Keep track of what deductions you can make to save hundreds of hundreds each year.

  3. Avoid loans. Housing and student loans are of course a must for most people but avoid consumption loans. Save instead until you can afford what you want away from you.

  4. Amortize on your home loan. Your accommodation is a type of savings and in the long term you will be able to save more if you have canceled the loans, among other things because you will not be affected as much by interest rate increases.

  5. Put yourself in stock and fund savings. If you have money to spare for long-term savings, stocks and funds are a good option. However, do not forget to have a buffer on a savings account you can access in case of an accident.

  6. If your accommodation extends a large part of your income, it may be possible to review if you can move to cheaper accommodation later on. Perhaps you can live a little less if you still want to live centrally or maybe you can move further away from the city center to come down?

  7. Set up the goalkeeper. It's easier to get frugal if you have something to save and look forward to! What do you dream about? A trip, a new home, a dream wedding or perhaps affording one child? Write your goals and start saving. When the consumer unit is over - remind yourself of your goals and that you prefer a summer house in five years than buy that sweater that you will not like in six months.

Hope some off these advices is for any help.


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