Welcome to MDCM on Steemit

Welcome to MDCM on steemit.

We hope you find your engagement with us here as productive as we aim for it to be. Specifically, what MDCM aim to present here is an example of how income potentials are being created in the 21st Century via nothing more than a copy-n-paste movement across digitized open source platforms, or networks.

What we at MDCM believe is that networks facilitate income possibilities, networks expand upon income potentials and it is towards that end that MDCM aims to use today's digitized networks and modalities to leverage our expanding network of members for the sold purposes of generating revenue to be shared with our members who buy into our business model. Our business model aims to leverage existing platforms and will not be involved with any forms of investments. Instead, MDCM's focus will be across advertising services and CPA offers, and of course, Steemit to carry out the underlying game plan.

MDCM's aim is to do nothing new, to create or invent no new concept, idea or invest in any kind of outside scheme towards procuring revenue to share with our members. Our aim at MDCM is not to engage in risk-management with our network but risk-elimination. Our goal at MDCM is to eliminate the risks associated with making money online by securing our network via proper understanding. We beleive that the more knowledgeable our membership is about our fundamental approach to doing business online the more secure our business is going forward. Thus, our primary objective is infoming our membership of our aim, of how we intend to traverse cyberspace to procure significant proceeds to share with our members. Our goal is simply to leverage an informed network across pre-established networking platforms for the purposes of generating revenue to share with our members.

Think about it like this: MDCM did not create websites. Did not create advertising. Nor did MDCM invent CPA Marketing. MDCM's aim is not to reinvent the wheel, but to instead to give the wheel greater spin velocity. What MDCM did was recognize how websites, advertising, and CPA marketing conforms to network marketing principles enough for MDCM to leverage a network across websites, advertising and CPA marketing.

Now that MDCM has recognize our intentions, MDCM is going to inform the masses of MDCM's game plan and attract a global network to help carry out our game plan.

Our fundamental statement will be: MDCM generates revenue to share with our network by leveraging our network. Our fundamental approach will be to inform the network, which is our membership, of how our actions and implementations benefit our network. We want to be transparent and instructional on how value is supposed to be created and shared via networks.

Here is how MDCM will separate ourselves from the pack: MDCM will unabashedly market to marketers. We want to build a primary base going forward of network marketers who understand the principles of network marketing and can connect to our vision of how MDCM is conforming to those principles of network marketing. By focusing on network marketers, specifically online network marketers, to help grow our base, we immediately are sending out a cyberspace beakon to some of our weary online marketers who seem unable to break through. "We hear you and help has arrived." In this sense, MDCM is adhering to the network principle to go where theres the greatest need and offer a win-win solution. Marketes helping the MDCM brand to grow help themselves in the process, just as MDCM helps itself in the process of marketing to marketers who will then in turn market MDCM.

WIn-win will be MDCM's primary approach to doing business, connecting to others, and utilizing online platform. There will be a win-win scenario at every juncture of MDCM's approach to networking towards our stated mission.

During this early juncture of MDCM's journey it's important that MDCM foster our network only via information towards our member's understanding of what MDCM aim to do. MDCM understands that in too many examples of online advertising revenue sharing programs that the members are taken advantage of via the member's ignorance of the underlying rev share. What makes an online advertising revenue sharing business model a legitimate scheme is often lost on the very membership of most rev shares.

Thus, MDCM aims to be instructional along the way so as to eliminate any ignorance associated with our business model. Our value will lay beyond just the sheer number of our membership, but also in terms of the mindset of our members. Our value will lay in that our members will understand what sets MDCM apart and how the members contribute to our success. Our value will lay not in that we engage in value, but also in that our fundamental approach towards generating value to share with our members will be always be done across open access platforms- which means we will be affording ourselves to the world for the world to determine for itself does our business model make sense. The more of the world MDCM is exposed to the more we will have in-roads into expanding market places.

Our members will be those people who be afforded front row seat on income generation via our efforts, and will thus be savvier business people because of it.

It's important that MDCM foster the proper understanding across our membership going forward because doing such is what secures our business model. And sense MDCM already operate in the contextual online space of both advertising and sharing revenue from online advertising sales, then why not advertise our game plan online in such a manner in which we can generate even more revenue to share with our members from doing so?

It's a no-brainer, actually. What MDCM will do is eradicate the prevailing ignorance surrounding onine advertising revenue sharing business models, eradicate the prevailing ignorance surrounding the creation and sharing of value, monetize our efforts in doing so and share all revenue generated by our network with our network. MDCM aims to be the first online platform solely for the purpose of generating revenue to share with a global network and openly stating such as our mission and instructing our network along the way of our mission.

Indeed, welcome to MDCM on Steemit.

We aim for a global audience. Connect with MDCM now and pay attention to what we aim to do here. We have an ambitious mindset towards our goals, and we believe that by communicating our intentions we can attract the right mindset that can connect to the grander vision here.

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