MDCM: Cultural Phenomenon Here We Come

Although MDCM has no plans to "reinvent the wheel", we do understand that what we present here is a fresh approach to the concept of revenue sharing. We understand that a smaller number of some will connect to our vision faster than a greater number of others. But we also that MDCM is bridging multiple different platforms around a single concept: Networks make money and to the network we shall share the money; our plan includes allowing that concept to be the bridge to allow us to connect to an expanding populous base.

In our efforts of not reinventing the wheel we understand that it's going to require a bit coaxing to to kick-start things in motion enough to appeal to enough members to initially view what we aim to do here. We understand that and that's fine with MDCM. We believe that if our business model makes sense, then we can connect it to enough people who can help us connect it to even more people. Our fundamental objective is expand our membership so as to be global marketing force intended to serve the people who embody our network.

We believe that sensible constructs can be fleshed out actoss the very platform by which they intend to leverage the network in the first place. That means that if we really believe that Steemit is a platform for the creation of value for our members to share, then let's see it in fruition. If it makes sense if the method of using Steemit as a platform to broaden MDCM's scope by propagating our business model on Steemit is really a sound idea, then no amount of resistance can stop the eventuality of us reaching our destiny of a cultural phenomenon.

MDCM has a specific definition of a place upon which it hopes to arrive, the place where people all over the world are connected to a cyberspace digitized income stream that has their names on it by default. If one can consider ours as an ambitious project, then can they also see what MDCM is doing to ensure our arrival at our predestination of becoming a cultural phenomenom?

Well, these are our early steps. We at MDCM are going to eradicate the previous paradigms of online advertising revenue sharing programs- the ones which are the equivalent of cryptocurrency pump-n-dump machines- and replace those models reference points with the proper perspective of how value is supposed to be generated and shared across a valuable network in an internet age.

Consider this: If a concept such as the one we're proposing here at MDCM, the concept of bridging platforms to generate revenue to share to our network, is really as feasible we purport it to be, if what we believe here is really possible, then should we not be willing to do what it takes to complete our objective of arriving at that destination?

Luckily, for MDCM our approach here doesn't have to be one of convincing anyone. We need not hold our members prisoners and mandate that they pay attention to what we're doing on Steemit. Instead, MDCM simply need only be consistent in fleshing out our motive via Steemit's platform. The great thing about consistency applied here is that for our purposes of wanting to establish consistency applied across the Steemit our actions across this platform could lead to a diverse and extensive monetizable catalog of content which could continue to create more and more revenue for our members to share. That would be the natural consequence of MDCM's properly activation of cycles in this regards.

Our fundamental objective in using a platform such as Steemit is to use Steemit in the manner in which it was designed. Steemit's platforms allow for an unrestricted audience, allows for MDCM to step outside of the box of tucked-away cyberspace programs and fully onto the grand stage of online income considerations. Consider MDCM is planting ourselves in the spotlight of Steemit's beacon and now is our time to shine, to prove ourselves as worthy of a global audience's attention.

In this sense, MDCM is leveraging Steemit for the purposes of espousing MDCM's business philosophy to the world. MDCM's objective is to become a cultural phenomenon, something that individuals, families, teams, businesses, and others across the globe may utilize for the purposes of making a financial impact on their daily lives. As such being our irreducible objective, MDCM believes that there is no limit to what we can do to create surety with our membership base via the understanding that they are indeed in the right place at the right time.

As more people from across the Steemit platform become aware of MDCM then that awareness will fuel a greater interest in our base business model of advertising services. We will sell more advertising services as a result of the increase awareness we gain from utilizing Steemit as our blog post page. An uptick in the number of people buying advertising services from MDCM will in turn lead to a greater number of people completing CPA offers. All of those are individual cycles having the potential gain energy from each other- and those cycles we produce would be up against unlimited growth potentials within the unlimited advertising space driven by an ulimited amount of people who want to utilize our services or want to make money with us, exposing MDCM to potentials of endless streams of revenue to share with our members.

And which members will benefit the most all of this?

Why, those members who take a vested interest in our business model, that's who. While MDCM will focus on multiple ways of leveraging our network across multiple network platforms to generate revenue to share with our members, there will be but one way for revenue to be dispersed to members: via the purchase of adpacks.

Of course, we have our 10% commissions intact, but if anyone wants to be directly connected to the revenue streams MDCM intends to generate, then we suggest that you take a real vested interest in our business now and position yourself for maximum benefit from your engagement with MDCM and buy adpacks. It's going to be important that members keep in mind that MDCM has already identified three areas of interest in which MDCM intends to leverage to gain revenue and neither of those areas says adpacks: advertising, CPA marketing, and Steemit. In this sense, only those in the know will understand that those who don't buy adpacks will be leaving revenue on the table in area where the sole purpose of generating the revenue was for it to be shared.

As MDCM leverage our stated marketing arenas, only the savvy marketer will connect to the bigger and seize the moment. Quite a few others are going to require a bit more of some coaxing to see what we're doing here. Yet, we believe that via a bit of consistency on our end at MDCM we can gain some ground on others inability to connect early to any new and emerging ideas enough for MDCM to gain revenue to share with our members-

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