Wall Street Is About To Have A Field Day With Bitcoin Futures, Here's How. By Gregory Mannarino

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Today Bitcoin is scheduled to start trading on the futures markets and Wall Street is going to have a field day with it.

First, let’s define what futures trading is.

Trading or speculating on futures is simply a contract, an agreement, in which a party agrees to buy or sell a particular asset in the future at a set price.

Now I want you to ponder this...
On a relative basis Bitcoin is thinly traded moreover, it is also not widely held-so what does this mean?

The fact that again on a relative basis Bitcoin is thinly traded and not widely held leaves open the door For major rigging of the price action of Bitcoin, and it is so simple for Wall Street to do it!

So how will this work?

Being that Bitcoin is now going to be speculated on by not just the regular guy or gal on the street, but by major Wall Street institutions, all that needs to be done is a big bank or someone with very deep pockets can go ahead and buy large blocks of Bitcoin in an attempt to drive the price higher, and then dump these large positions back onto the market-and Professional Wall Street Speculators are going to have a field day doing this reaping windfall profits via futures contracts without ever owning a single Bitcoin.

It is always the same, Wall Street wins...

Gregory Mannarino, The Robin Hood Of Wall Street.


Watch the price action right on my website. Click HERE: https://www.traderschoice.net/

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