Let's Get You Some! Financial Freedom Episode #1

In this weekly series I will teach you how to gain financial freedom. This is not 'Get Rich Quick' scheme so if you're looking for that you're probably better off with some MLM bullshit or by becoming a drug dealer.

As always you can watch the video, read the blog or do both:

Short Sightedness

Is that even a word? Well if it is not is should be! How can you have less money to your name at 40 then at 20? What is going wrong with people? I don't think anybody deserves Financial Freedom, yet I think anyone should know about it. Learn the lessons to be learned and apply the discipline needed and anyone can create financial freedom to a certain extend. It's all about your mindset and knowledge. We nowadays live in a time where we want everything and we want it NOW. That is not a sustainable financial model.

Compounding Still Works?

Of course compounding still works yet not at the bank. However I see my friends and others spending salary's on drugs and alcohol, on trips to Cambodia and designer clothes. That's okay, I've bought a Hugo Boss suit once, I've traveled around the world. Yet I've also started my passive income flows when I was 21, and the mere fact that I did meant that I was actually earning money whilst travelling. Yes I've made mistakes yet the biggest mistake in my opinion that people are making today is not valuing Compounding. All those dollars spent on drinks could have been gaining 6% - 12% a year, leading up to massive amounts in a 20 year time frame.

I'm not saying you can never buy a drink or take a holiday, yet maybe it would be smart to at least have a little surplus and invest that?

What Will You Learn??

I'm going to teach you some very basic principles about money that are going to completely change your view about compounding, financial freedom and passive income. I'm also going to teach you in depth techniques to acquire and increase wealth. Most importantly I'm going to teach you how to get the mentality of becoming a freaking whale in real life, not just here on Steemit :)

What Do You Have To Pay?

Nothing, except 20 minutes of your time every Sunday! :)
Ow, and an upvote would be well appreciated haha :)

Let's becoming whale sharks!

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