Make Money Blog #2: Google Opinion Rewards

The second installment of the Make Money Blog covers Google Opinion Rewards. Google Opinion Rewards is a survey app that asks you questions based on your browser history, location history, or demographic. It is available on iPhone and Android.

Note: There is no referral program for Google Opinion Rewards, I'm just doing this to show you an opportunity

Android Link

(Pulled from their Google Play site)
Google Opinion Rewards Screenshot

I used to have Google Opinion Rewards on my old Android phone. If you have your location allowed for the app, and are in the right segment, you could get some serious rewards. However, on Android, the money is all paid to your Google Play balance. In the 4 years I had Google Opinion Rewards on my Android, I made about $100. Not much, but it's something.

How It Works

One thing to note is you don't need to turn on your location to receive surveys, however you will receive much less than if you left it on.

For Android, you sign into your Google Play account, and then Google will start giving you surveys based on your browser history, location history, or demographic generally. A survey will pop up like this:

Simply complete the surveys honestly. If they think you are not being honest with you, they will stop sending you surveys. The rewards will instantly be credited to your Google Play account. The survey rewards range from 10 cents to about 50 cents. Trust me, it adds up over time.

iPhone Link

The iPhone app is much similar to the Android app, with only one difference.

The iPhone app pays out to your PayPal

This is great for iPhone users, because, of course, we don't have Google Play accounts. I have this app, but however you receive much less money than through the Android app. I have used the app for a couple months, however I have only earned $2.28.

The iPhone app lets you cash out to your Paypal every $2 you earn. So I have been paid out once. However, I also don't allow Google to track my location through the app unless the app is open, so I dont receive any of the location based (the vast majority of surveys they give) surveys.

iPhone Screenshot

Give it a try! Go earn some money!

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