Are Digital Currencies the New Stock Market?

My dad introduced me to the stock market when I was 1 day old. While lying there in all my glory enjoying the creaturely comforts and unceasing attention afforded to a first born, my dad presented me with my first stock certificate.

Naturally, I jumped up and did a little dance at the 2.5% dividend I would start earning from such an early age - life was going to be good.

Fast forward past a dot-com boom and bust, some roaring returns, and a housing crash, to find that stocks are not all that easy to predict anymore.

When you do a little research and find charts like the one below, you come to find that the money Central Banks are printing simply goes to the stock market.

The problem is that all this fuel is dirty. Every country in the world uses fiat currency, and every fiat currency eventually goes to its real value - a useful museum decoration.

The Facebook and Amazon Coin

Will there come a day when we don't trade shares but coins of a company? There are already rumors of Facebook creating their own coin for the platform. As Steemit continues to gain attention, and companies see the value of a tradeable coin within their own ecosystem, we could see decentralized exchanges adding Facecoin, and Amacoin.

I am not one to think, that once we have a deflationary and/or hyperinflationary period that the blue chip stocks as we know them will vanish in the wind.

There are loads of assets and talent behind that company ticker. Sure, massive losses will have to be absorbed but does anyone truly think Apple is going to cease to exist?

What I find more realistic, is that companies switch from valuing their stock price in dollars on the New York Stock Exchange, to adding their coin to Bitshares or running their applications on EOS.

Sharing a New World

One of the easiest ways I have found of explaining digital currency to my friends and family is comparing a coin to a company stock. People can understand stock prices, and owning shares in a company. They don't necessarily understand how trading that stock works nor are they motivated to do so.

Steemit is and will be a valuable piece for introducing the world of Blockchain to our mainstream friends. I believe the simpler we are able to explain this world the faster we can climb out of the next Depression. It won't be a smooth ride but I believe we can all agree it is a better system than the centralized currencies we came from.

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Image Sources: 1-2-3

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