How I Wrote Off All My Debt And You Can Too.

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I had a very successful business in home improvements and property then i got smashed with the credit crunch and ended up in deep debt with no income or very little. What a mess,what was i to do.

I did not understand what had happened one minute i was employing 10 people turning over £10k+ a week after the credit crunch i could not keep one person or myself in work. What the hell happened?

Nothing made sense any more everything i had done for the previous 20 years no longer made any money. I started to go down the rabbit hole as i now call it to see what happened.

I learned things that apparently only one in a million people ever know. Without going in to too much detail in one article check back again for further disclosures.

I found out firstly that banks create money out of thin air and charge interest on nothing. No they don't i can hear many people say, that's what i believed as well. Through a process called fractional reserve lending banks are allowed to create money from nothing. When someone pays a deposit in to a bank the bank can create a credit or a loan for 10x the deposit and charge interest on that higher amount. "You what, that can't be true" i can hear many of you say but my friends it is.

Here is an example Paul pays £1000 or $1000 dollars in to his bank and gets the princely sum of say 1% per year on his savings earning him £10 or $10 in interest. Here is were the magic happens the bank can create a loan/credit for 10x the amount so they lend/issue a credit to say Kevin £10,000 or $10,000, no i am not making this up. They then charge say 10% for their loan so after a year they receive £1000 or $1000 in interest plus all of the loan payments on top. When the "loan/credit" is paid off in full the bank will get £10,000 or $10,000 in capital back (incidentally they can now create a credit for 10x or £100,000 or $100,000 ) plus all the interest payments on top. Paul gets his £1000 back or $1000 plus £10 or $10 per year.Ever wondered why you seem unable to get on?now you know why.

What i also learned was that to keep us under control and having to work the "Banksters" rhymes with gangsters lol. Always make sure most people cannot earn enough so they have to use loan/credit cards etc to keep a float and are working flat out to service and pay back these loans.

How do they do this you might ask? They deliberately crash the economy so people lose their work then lose everything they have worked hard for including homes,cars etc. How by creating a "credit crunch" they deliberately tighten credit by no longer lending money so the money supply contracts which creates a downward spiral they then "repossess" the assets people through their hard work and labour have acquired with the money they created out of thin air, nice scam isn't it!!

In other articles i will show how governments allow this thievery to happen and how they are in collusion with these crooks and how even the governments borrow from central banks money created out of thin air and issue bonds that governments then have to pay back plus interest how i can hear you say, simple through taxing us till death. Now you know why the whole world is up to its eyeballs in debt and there is so much poverty its all to pay a few rich powerful banking dynasty's their blood money.

After learning this i thought why should i pay back imaginary money especially as these scum bags had stolen property and my life's hard work i hope you feel the same and fight back yourself.

In future articles i will take you further down the rabbit hole and reveal more secrets, please follow me.

Now i will tell you how to write off all your credit cards and loans simple just visit this website and educate yourself

here you will find lots of help and template letters to write off your debts. This is a new site and not as good as the old site which as been hacked apparently by trolls so please give it time to develop.

In future articles i will show how i took on the banksters and have wrote off most of my debts so please follow me.Just stick to the three letters and you too will become debt free.

Wishing you good health and debt freedom.

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