Poverty & Social Exclusions 7 Years On


Hi steemians

I wrote this 7 years ago as part of my Sociology subject for Social Science. This was about poverty and social exclusions that occur. Its a shame that not much has changed and in some cases it has got worse.
Poverty and Social Exclusions. 21/12/2010

You can be born into poverty if your parents are poor. Having no money is obviously going to make you poor and make life a struggle. Poverty affects the underclass where the lack of housing or suitable accommodation is not available.

Families who live in areas where crime is a major problem and there is a lack of facilities i.e.: housing estates where there are no local shops and no community centres for children to go to. There is no community in the poorest of areas. It’s a survival on how you live each day or week. Teenagers who live in these environments will most likely rebel against society.

Education is affected because teachers may have labelled children who are poor and showing no interest in school and the system has failed them. In adulthood these same people will have no qualifications and no motivation to work, they then become dependent on the state for benefits.

A vicious circle is then inherited by the whole family i.e.: their children will see this lifestyle as normal and may grow up with the same values.
Poor families do not have any choice about where they live or the condition of the properties they are allocated. We go where we are put.
Social exclusion makes the poor stay in poverty. It is left to the individual to get themselves out of poverty and into society by getting employment, education or becoming a productive member of society.

The support groups that help the poor are usually run by people who have experienced poverty. There are charities and government run organisations that help families who are in severe poverty.
The upper class have no involvement with poverty as it doesn’t affect their daily lives. The people who make decisions for the poor are the ones who have absolutely no idea what poverty is. It is not just the unemployed seeking to sponge off the taxpayer and receive benefits; It is not always about a poor families financial gain.

Health affects the poor because there are hidden factors within an individual’s life that is contributing to health problems such as stress, addiction, depression, & heat disease mostly because of being poor and in the stressful environment every single day of their lives.


I wrote that in Dec 2010 and today in 2017 there are more younger people in debt than there was in 2010. Student loans are one of the causes of this as College & University tuition fees increased too £6000 annual for tuition and then there are student loans on top of that which set a student with the usual 4 years to complete a Honours Degree into £30K + debt before they start employment and start their independent life.

One advantaged is they have an education but in most cases, finding employment in relation to their qualification is difficult.

In past 7 years there has been no real change for those who started in poverty and for those who end up in poverty for whatever reason. There are more cases of people suffering from depression because of financial stress.

It is extremely difficult to find yourself in a place where your mind begins to become dark with depression because at the time there seems to be no hope, no light at the end of this long dark tunnel, believe me I know from experience every single day I struggle with these emotions but I am finding ways to combat this but the crazy thing is I would be in less debt if I didn't study my Degree. This is a fact.

For anyone who is in a financial struggle and is suffering from severe depression, there is light that can shine through the dark times, We just need to find it and hold onto it as long as possible.

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