Progress Report: An Experiment in Small Crypto Investments Bought $50 of Litecoin Bitcoin and Ethereum and Will Hold

Money Can Be Made Even With Small Amounts

You do not need to be a multimillionaire or billionaire to make some good money in this space. I bought $150 dollars worth of LTC,BTC, and ETH several days ago split in equal parts.

The plan is very simple. I am a long term holder and have been teaching others how to invest wisely in cryptocurrencies for some time now. My teachings include where to buy, how to buy with the lowest fees and which coin to buy and most importantly WHY to buy those particular coins.

All of my clients are currently enjoying triple digit percentage returns on their investments and they happily listen and implement all that I have to say regarding cryptos because they know I make them good money.

In my personal opinion LTC will go to at least $200. BTC will go to at least $10,000 and ETH will go to at least $1,000. Where do I believe steem will go? I believe steem will go to at least $6 dollars especially as the platform matures and developers continue to develop useful apps like Steemnow which lets you see how much each one of your votes are actually worth.

Spending 5% to 30% of monthly income on the major cryptos every month is the safest way to invest long term for the foreseeable future. As long as you have extra money that you are not using. Instead of just letting it sit in a bank account devalued through inflation it's wise to give that dollar a job and put it to work.

Inflation is a hidden cost that must be killed mercilessly, always.

If wanting to further diversify then trading a small percentage of currently held cryptos for steem or other strong altcoins can also be done for some nice profits.

Think of it like a high yield mutual fund with a basket of currencies that you hand pick slowly over the medium to long term.

Why do I Believe This?

Market Penetration VS Market Saturation

We are still in the baby stages of crypto. Much like when the internet first came out every new successful technology has the extremely early adopters, mid stage early adopters, and then mainstreaming.

We are still in the embryonic stage and will remain in the embryonic stage until mainstream adoption.

When Will Crypto Go Mainstream (read: when will crypto go TO THE MOON!)?

Easier to Use

Right now crypto is much too difficult to use for normal people. They just want to go to Walmart and buy it. They just want to go on Amazon and buy it. This barrier to entry is wonderful as this keeps the real true price of crypto suppressed.

Commodification VS Allure of Mystery

Right now many believe crypto is a mysterious scam or ponzi pyramid scheme with little to no regulation and they will lose their money overnight. Always remember perception is everything and people are very selfish, fearful and greedy and most hate, despise, and loathe that which they cannot understand.

This is good as this also acts to suppress the price.

Mainstream Media's Love Hate Relationship w/ Crypto

Even though Mainstream Media has been caught lying, again and again time after time about all sorts of things including business, finance, economy, and political events most still listen and believe what the BIG 6 media corps. have to say about crypto.

This perpetuates a false boom/bust cycle that is easily exploitable. When the media is denigrating crypto buy a little bit more that month as the price dips. If the media is praising crypto buy a little bit less that month as the price rises. 2 EZY.

But always buy knowing that the price is still greatly suppressed.

Vote up and follow @josephq. I will be discussing cryptocurrencies, investments, business, and take you on a very personal journey as I document my efforts bootstrapping my way to success right here on Steemit. Thanks!

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