Blockchain WIFI

Do you want a mobile cryptocurrency wallet and decentralized internet router system? If so, then please give Styras a try. The presale for this Initial Coin Offer (ICO) is planned for Tuesday, the 21st of November 2017, that is about eleven days from now. The principles, goals, & ideas behind this is smart, interesting, and very awesome, even if Stryas is or is not a scam or not. I'm saying and I'm not saying it is and is not a scam or not. I'm not really sure, specifically. I saw it as an advertisement when I was trying to watch a Scott Adams video on YouTube. Please tell me if this is a scam or not. Please don't dislike this if this is a scam. Please do not flag this if this is a scam or bad or something. I mean, I can't make you not flag this. Please like this post of mine, or not.

But I'm just trying to share this.



Styras Wallets can store Styras, Bitcoin, and Ethereum, cryptocurrency, that is according to the YouTube ad videos I watched about Styras. Plus, the Styras router thing seems to be a software and/or hardware thing for peer to peer decentralized mobile phone calling and texting (SMS) without the requirement of AT&T, Sprint, or other big phone companies. Is that true? I'm assuming this. I could be wrong. If I am wrong, then somebody needs to get on that and make it happen. We can find ways to break off from big phone companies and power companies (via solar power and stuff) and drug companies (via natural remedies and stuff). Please tell me if any of my information (info) is not accurate enough. This is what I thought of when I saw Styras ads.

Please Leave Comments

Please leave comments if you want. If there are better ICOs, share them in the comments below. If there are problems with the ICOs here, there, in the posts, the comments, in videos, in photos, on my websites, profiles, pages, accounts, groups, online, offline, here, there, everywhere, anywhere, please tell me, us, everybody. Make a video about it. Leave comments about your questions and ideas and everything in the comments below.

But I really am encouraged by new systems of internet, of operating systems, of programs, of money, of applications (apps), of open source technology, of the blockchain systems, of cryptocurrency, of all these things, and the ability to mix and match all of these things with each other. If we are not already, we can find ways to make money, websites, operating systems, programs, WIFI, internet, phone plans, calling plans, phone texting plans, communicating systems, blockchain systems, the ability to make more free phone calls with your mobile telephones, your cell phones, the ability to have more free cloud storages, better emailing systems, free domain name registration possibilities, free web hosting, free web designing software, through the innovations of blockchain technology, through the miracles of cryptocurrency, through the magic of decentralization and everything. The word "FREE" is a word many love but it can be a bit dangerous. Therefore, when I say free, it sounds cool but it may not always work. Capitalism demands money. Therefore, things cannot always be too free or totally free or unfairly free. However, on the other hand, things should not be rigged too much from bad monopolism, that is crony capitalism, that is through regulations, centralizations, bigger governments, micro management, and so on and so forth. Therefore, we should always try to make everything more competitive in regards to pricing. Things should not be too EXPENSIVE through monopolism. And taxes are bad.

Innovation Ideas

1 - Crypto Phone Calling, Texting
2 - Crypto WIFI, internet
3 - Crypto operating systems (OSes)
4 - Crypto MONEY WALLETS, and money
5 - Crypto programs, apps

When I say crypto, I mean anything, everything, whatever works, or not, including, but not limited to, crypto stuff, as in cryptocurrency technology, exchanges, money, and also blockchain stuff, which crypto roots from, and also open source stuff, and maybe even Linux, Ubuntu, Firefox, and Steemit, Minds, Gab, Vidme, Drudge, Infowars, and more, and stuff, and I'm being redundant, wordy, repetitive, on purpose, because I think this stuff is great. We do better as we promote and share better stuff.

Blockchain WIFI

2017-11-11 - created - Saturday 10 PM OTC
My Username - JoeyArnoldVN

Go Fund Me
Litecoin - LRxpufCqg95g3BYuAKHev6NVWp6Sgb7jiz
Bitcoin -- 1JY9EVYaB8SafhK8TvFoqs7vyRzmcRJGyv

My Biography -

My Life - United States - Oregon - Vietnam -
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